
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Boo Hoo, Bo Derek......

Guess what ladies and gents? Bo Derek hates getting old.

She says she is 'aging like other people'  She feels, 'its not fair'..... about an ungrateful, unhappy person. I feel so sorry for her...I think she looks rather nice. She is 58.

It simply astounds me when people are ungrateful. This woman has lived a privileged life. She said she missed out on roles because of her age. Bo...I have a message for you...............

I am so sorry that you feel the way you do. But you should take a tip from some of these acresses....some are older than you and guess what? they have powerful roles. They are still vibrant actresses. So, while you are in your 'pity' mode.....they are out there doing something. 

There is a lesson here. You can mourn over everything that WAS or you can rejoice in what IS and also, what MAY BE.....Life is wonderful at any age. It's what YOU make of it. Take a lesson from these ladies below:

Dame Judi Dench age 80

Helen Mirren  age 69

Jane Fonda   age 77

Sophia Loren  age 80

Everyone has an ache or a pain here or any age. Everyone has an imperfection on their body somewhere.....Move more, eat better and smile alot....then do your best with what you've got......

get with the program, Bo!

Rose Ellen Moore   age 53
RCMoore for the Unique Millinery and Vintage shop
1729 W Tilghman Street
Allentown PA 18104

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fashion em or leave em...........

The latest fashion trend for Harpers Bizarre is a striped dress. If I wore a horizontally striped dress I would look like the broad side of a barn!   Not to mention...Tim Gunn....who has impeccable taste and who I have the utmost admiration for HATES horizontal stripes. It's just a difficult print to wear by thanks Harpers Bizarre...but NO........

Elle Magazine is raving about a 'Chic Thong Sandal' can put a dress on a pig, lipstick , heels and the whole enchilada, but at the end of the's still a pig. A thong is just that, a THONG....whether it's on your foot or on your butt, I'm not a fan. A flip flop is a flip flop,....I love flip flops, I'm wearing them today, but I am not at a business meeting in a suit, I am not in a dress for church or flip flops have their place...and lets keep it there!

Vogue is pushing catsuits, unitards, crocheted pieces, everything that every woman could wear! could it be true?????   I have some new respect for this magazine...I think it gives you ideas and what to incorporate into your wardrobe, without purchasing a whole new wardrobe. Many of these pieces can be found in fun vintage shops too!  kudos to Vogue!

Glamour magazine.. stripes but vertical, yellow...lots of yellow...(not everyone can wear that color)
plaid, black and white and plenty of cropped pants. All in all it wasn't bad, but it wasn't exciting either. ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........................

Marie Claire had a fun fun FUN list of 1970's time warp retro rags! Wow! fun florals, minis, boho dresses, something for every body shape and every taste. Looking through Marie Claire's picks for summer trends was like visiting my shop! Plenty of color, prints and hemlines! something for everybody!  Marie Claire has my vote!

Cosmopolitan- mirrored sun glasses, crop tops, ......NO....just NO! not worth the read

In Style.....well...I have to say...another conglomeration of florals, lace, patterns and fun. Worth the read, many vintage finds as well. InStyle has a very good selection of things put together to give you some wonderful ideas for the summer. We are in the middle of some hot months...why not make yourself look hot as well?

That's my review for the top magazines and their trends for Summer.....Hope you pick up one of the good ones and have a good read. If you need some help finding your own personal style...stop in to see me. We will share some wine, some laughs and some great ideas!

Rose Ellen Moore
1729 W Tilghman Street
Allentown PA 18104 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Hate and its affects on Beauty

It's a beautiful day today. The sun is shining and it's a hot that is not too's just perfect. And if a person was not on Facebook, or was not listening to the news they would never know that this world is so full of hate.

Today I didn't even feel like dressing....I just wanted to stay in bed and curl up with the TCM channel and watch old movies. The truth is, I have 2,322 friends on Facebook. Many of them are customers, some of them are old high school friends and some are family. Over the last few weeks I have watched people put their 'opinions' on Facebook, whether they be conservative or liberal.  I have watched people bash police officers and watched people bash African Americans. I have seen the worst in all of my friends, family members and associates. This one doesn't think gay marriage should be legal, and this one doesn't think that any more immigrants should come into the country....etc etc etc...........

My father, (God rest his soul) had a saying, .....'opinions are like assholes, everybody has one'....he was a funny guy. But that's the truth. I have seen people unfriend their best friends, and block someone for their beliefs and the truth is....everybody no matter if we like it or not, is free to have their beliefs. Freedom is like a double edge sword, are free to be you......and they (the opposition)are free to be them....  that's the way freedom works. 

How does hate affect beauty?  Well...hate is an emotional dislike to the extreme. Hate can lead to violent acts, it can lead to an unhealthy body.  Hate is read on a persons face, it consumes a person and spreads into every aspect of their life. How can someone love themselves when they are consumed with hate? How can someone love you if you don't love yourself? This becomes a vicious cycle. 

Happiness makes you beautiful. It makes people want to be around you. It creates a euphoria that you feel when you are in love. Happiness makes you live longer. Why would you want it any other way? 

I beg people today...I challenge you.............................practice tolerance....compassion......peace. 
You will live longer, you will be more beautiful.....practice kindness.....and most of all......


Rose Ellen Moore
RCMoore for the Unique
Millinery and Vintage Shop
1729 W Tilghman Street
Allentown PA 18104

Thursday, June 18, 2015

And HERE WE GO AGAIN! The Fashion Police....UGH!!!!!

So...... in the news this morning....among many other sad things, like, a hate crime shooting in NC. That is so upsetting to me. Again, Rachel Dolezal, and what race she identifies with...I really don't care, Donald Trump.....(I have no words....) flesh eating bacteria found in our waters,  I mean...our world if full of hate, and it's really sad. I always look to the articles about art, fashion, fun or entertainment to relieve myself of the negativity....and here police...............ugh!

Melissa Rivers is now going to be the host of Fashion Police.  I hope that maybe it is not as cut throat as it was in the past. As you know...I am not tolerant of body shaming, making fun of peoples' short comings, or trying to fit people in a MOLD. The whole purpose of fashion is to have fun with it...sometimes the fun works, and sometimes it really does NOT....but get a sense of humor and laugh. Color is fun, and wearing sparkles, fringe and beads is fun, and making an effort to take care of yourself is commendable.

Kathy Griffin (who I love) left the show...and cited this reason:

“When I chose to step into the shoes of my beloved friend Joan Rivers at ‘Fashion Police,’ I was thrilled to continue her legacy as a woman being brash and eccentric on television,” Griffin tweeted in March. “I thought I could bring my brand of humor to ‘Fashion Police’ so that beautiful people in beautiful dresses could be teased when appropriate. My brand of humor, while unrepentant and unafraid, is all about context. There is plenty to make fun of in pop culture without bringing people’s bodies into it…I do not want to use my comedy to contribute to a culture of unattainable perfectionism and intolerance towards difference. I want to help women, gay kids, people of color and anyone who feels underrepresented to have a voice and a laugh.”

this article was taken from MSN today and below is the link:

Apparently Kathy felt like I did. I loved Joan Rivers...I thought she was a woman that was a dynamo...that's why I felt so badly when the fashion police started to bully big women, gay people, eclectic people....  why Joan?   So I stopped watching.....

When you are don't need to trash people. 

Today there was an article on Zoe is this young girl, with her own sense of style and young and beautiful. She is funky and fun....artsy and wonderful...yet the people on wonderwall on MSN decided that they should make an entire article about Zoe Kravitz: 15 Looks We Don't Understand.   Well...maybe you're not meant to "understand' her looks...maybe you just have to appreciate them for what they are. (Link below)

Sad that everyone has to be a 'judge and jury about fashion' these days.  One of the things I DO support is Huffington Posts "Best Celeb Beauty Looks of the Week'  they don't trash people...they just choose who they think is the best........  no negative vibes here...

I am appealing to people....please......we have enough hate, negativity, intolerance and injustice in this world.  Let the fashion world be a place of fun..........................

My fashion tip #1:   " Wear things that make you smile..................."

The End.

Rose Ellen Moore
1729 W Tilghman Street
Allentown PA 18018

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

showing some CLASS!

Since it is prom season, I have had more than one girl come in my shop and say, 'your dresses are not sexy enough for me'.....or...'it's not what's on the internet'..... Most of these girls come in and want short, tight, everything-sticking-out-some-kind-of-disrespectful-mess dress. Then, they have the nerve to tell me, your dresses are OLD......HA!   I have vintage dresses, back in the day women had CLASS!  They had style, beauty and respect for themselves. Many times I would go home sad and tired.  Then.....I saw this.....

This absolutely BEAUTIFUL girl, wanted to make her own dress...not only did she design it herself, but she made a dress where most of herself is covered. She is sexy, beautiful, classy, showing off her ethnic beauty.....I couldn't be more happy. Finally someone gets it!   I'm so happy that this young girl is enrolling in Parsons school of fashion.....she will go far! I have no doubt. 

Sexy is a state of mind. Sexy means you act a certain way, it's the way you talk, it's the way you move, not how many body parts are sticking out. Our shop prides itself on supporting unique styles, enhancing each individual's beauty in every different kind of way. We don't dress young girls like they are on the market, we simply don't support that. 

When I saw Kyemah's dress, it brought me back to Grace Jones, Pam Grier, Iman....the women who were strong, wore knock out clothes,and owned it. I congratulate this young girl.  I hope we hear from her again!  

Rose Ellen Moore
RCMoore for the Unique Millinery and Vintage Shop
1729 W Tilghman Street
Allentown PA 18104

Monday, June 8, 2015

out of the blue...................

I sat down to write today, and was so overwhelmed by the lack of tolerance in this world, and I was so disgusted at the news, that I didn't want to write. Everything went out of my head, and I thought....who really reads my blogs, anyway.......

Well....then the mailman walked in...and handed me a letter from SimiValley, CA.....

It read,
THANK YOU....,me? yes, me. Laura McLinn, sat and wrote a letter to ME....she liked  my tribute to Lynn Dell-Cohen, she told me her thoughts on Joan Rivers, and most of all...she took the TIME out of her day to WRITE.....not email, not text...she wrote to me on paper!

Sometimes when you think your thoughts do not matter, there is always someone out there, an angel, that thinks that you do. I publicly would like to thank Laura for giving me encouragement. It's so nice to make friends across the miles.

Today the news is ripe with malicious headlines today. A young girl jumped off a bridge because her parent publicly shamed her by cutting off her hair. Clint Eastwood, one of my favorite actors, made a non funny joke about Caitlyn Jenner..there are escaped killers and a police officer run rampant at a pool many disappointments.  Sometimes I wish I had a rocket to mars.....but....can I wear heels there? I don't think so. But anyway...out of all the negativity...Laura McLinn gave me encouragement, which is what we should do for each other in this world. Today is National Best Friend Day....
Good friends lift you up, and Laura sure did her job today. And so I encourage people, especially all females out there. Encourage each other. Today and every day. Tolerance...even when you don't agree. Politics doesn't have to play a part in your friendship.  I wish everyone a day filled with joy and color.....a day filled with good friends to encourage and support...........and today I am blessed with Laura McLinn.........thank YOU, Laura.

" and so shines a good deed in this weary world"

Rose Ellen A Moore
1729 W Tilghman Street
Allentown PA 18104

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

In Memory of a Fashion Icon

There will be a million blogs written about Lynn Dell Cohen today. Her death is such a great sadness to me there will be a little less color in this world...and a little less class......She was the epitome of glamour. She taught me to embrace who I was. She made me want to be a Grand Dame!!! I can't even say all the thoughts and feelings I have right now. All I know is, even though I didn't know her personally......I will miss her.

take a look at her video above

Her legacy to all of have some class. There is a way to handle present yourself. There is a way to respect yourself......don't lose heart and give up when you get older. Life doesn't ever have to be finished until you take your last breath.

So ladies, dress every day. Love being a woman. Accentuate what is wonderful about yourself.  Accessorize yourself to the max and love it! Dress for the show of your when the curtain drops and the crowd has memories of your performance, they will realize that they saw a hell of a show!

With loving gratitude to Lynn Dell Cohen............

RCMoore for the Unique
Millinery and Vintage shop
1729 W Tilghman Street

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Accentuate the Positive

On May 21st it will be my 53rd birthday.......... I won't lie about my age. I'm feeling pretty awesome that I got this far. But what I'm noticing is that there are struggles on a daily basis for things that used to come easy. Some of them are physical and some of them are emotional.

When I was a young girl of maybe 18 years old, I struggled with an eating disorder. I never ate, and when I did it was not nutritious, and if I ate something healthy and full of calories that were important to my body, I punished myself by not eating for days afterward. I never told anyone in my family, I just quietly didn't eat. My mother used to say to my dad, 'look Alex, she eats like a bird. '  I did....and I was proud of it for some weird reason. I struggled with self esteem, I wanted to be blonde, I wanted to be skinny and I wanted to be accepted.  When I got older, I struggled in my first marriage. I was miserable and unhappy with an abusive husband. I struggled to then raise my children alone. I struggled between balancing work and home. Every day, was a struggle.
Now, I have a beautiful life, but I still have my struggles although they are not as tragic or enormous as my struggles when I was younger. Now I struggle to get up from a kneeling position. I struggle to focus when I thread my needle on the sewing machine. I struggle to maintain self confidence in an aging body.  Even though I have my small struggles, I realize that they are not life threatening and I am grateful. It is hard to be negative when you are thanking God for all the blessings that you have. There is an old song from way back when, and the words are, " accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative......" ( )  I don't have time any more to focus on anything that isn't bringing joy to my life. In order to be happy, you need to focus on all the things that you have, instead of all the things that you WANT. Suddenly you realize that you have alot of things. Are you saying, 'she's nuts! I can't see! I can't walk! I can't I can't.......'   true, maybe you can't do some things, but I'm sure you can do SOME be thankful for speaking, if you can't see. Be thankful for singing if you can't walk.....focus on the wonderful things about yourself.  Start the morning with a prayer of thanks...and suddenly you realize how small your struggles are...........
  1. AC-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive
  2. You've got to accentuate the positive
    Eliminate the negative
    Latch on to the affirmative
    Don't mess with Mister In-Between
    You've got to spread joy up to the maximum
    Bring gloom down to the minimum
    Have faith or pandemonium
    Liable to walk upon the scene
    To illustrate his last remark
    Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark
    What did they do
    Just when everything looked so dark
    Man, they said we better, accentuate the positive
    Eliminate the negative
    Latch on to the affirmative
    Don't mess with Mister In-Between
    No, do not mess with Mister In-Between
    Do you hear me?
    Oh, listen to me children and-a you will hear
    About the elininatin' of the negative
    And the accent on the positive
    And gather 'round me children if you're willin'
    And sit tight while I start reviewin'
    The… Full lyrics on Google Play

  3. Rose Ellen Moore
  5. 1729 W Tilghman Street
  6. Allentown, PA 18104
  7. 610-740-3820 

Monday, May 11, 2015

people you meet in the NYC subway

My father always had a saying, 'if you look for the bad in a person you will see bad, if you look for the good, you will see good.'   Maybe that doesn't make sense to alot of you, but for me, I lived that. I love NYC....there's something that changes about me when I emerge out of the Holland Tunnel. Something comes over me, I'm home. I never grew up there....I have just a handful of my relatives living there, but for me I am home. Why? I never feel different, I never feel out of place. Because in a world of people that point the finger and stare, in NYC.....EVERYONE is different and EVERYONE just deals with it, tolerates it, and adjusts. The world would be so much better if everyone everywhere would do those things.

Many times I take the bus into NY and get off at Port Authority. Many times we drive in. It doesn't matter, as soon as I'm there I feel better about myself. I especially love the subway. People who ride taxis just don't know what they are missing!   Where else but on a NYC subway can you find a Russian woman and a Nigerian man who don't understand English , but they both speak Italian (why? I don't know) and luckily that is how we communicated. When you enter a subway the first thing that hits you is the smell of urine, and the sight of a homeless person or two huddled in a corner sleeping. You may hear some terrific music even better than  the famous singers we know today. Every one of your senses will be stimulated. And also, every one of your emotions. You will see lovers, you will see poor, you will see tired, hungry, young and old. It makes me humble, it makes me thankful, and it makes me wonder what it's like to walk in other peoples' shoes.

I though about writing this immediately after seeing Claudio Musajo's photograph of a young man and his child sleeping on the subway. (   Riding a subway train is a lesson in life.  Just as life is a journey.  Look for the good and you will see good, look for the bad and you will see bad. No matter what you look for, it's all there, in the NYC subway.........


the following photos are courtsey of Claudio Musajo photographer

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

This weekend is mother's day. I don't always follow what society says and celebrate days because THEY SAY I have to. We should celebrate Christmas every day. We should celebrate mother's and father's day every day. Every day is a reason to celebrate, right?  Of course~  But this time, I must pay a tribute, because I feel that I have to share the pain and breakthrough that I experienced.

My mother.........I look like her. I idolized her. She wore big hats and had a fantastic sense of style. She also was very talented. She could touch anything and for whatever reason, it would work. Whatever outfit she put together, whatever decoupage artistic thing she would hang in the kitchen, ceramics? forget about it, she had that covered. Knitting, crocheting, sewing, designing, interior decorating....she had the gift. As far as solving a crossword puzzle or a cryptoquip, she was THE BOMB! My mother could grow an African Violet from a leaf....houseplants, macrame, ANYTHING......she was extremely gifted.

As I grew, I just trusted her that she knew exactly what I should do. She knew the best thing, she knew the right thing and I trusted her word as law.  As I got to be 17, 18, 19....we started to grow apart, because I had a thought and an opinion. I was growing and becoming an adult and our relationship was not growing. She still wanted to be in charge, unfortunately she can't be in charge of an adult when I had a husband and children. husband and I did not work out. He was abusive and out of respect for my children I will say no more...., neither marriage number 1 nor marriage number 2 worked out. I had 4 children and my mother was embarrassed,humiliated and PISSED that I didn't listen to her, and 'why oh why couldn't I be normal?'   Well, what is normal?  I was an eccentric person with a very different view of the world. I knew what I wanted in life, unfortunately I didn't have it with either partner. My mother and I started to fight all the time. She hated me. I was convinced.  Then when I had met my husband (yes, husband number 3...and three times is the charm!) my mother went ballistic! I really thought her head was going to pop off! 'what is everyone in Berwick gonna say?'  who really cared!  It was foreign to me that she would care about everyone in Berwick but not about me or my life or my feelings or the welfare of my children. She just wanted me to be normal.

So...we stopped talking. One day she did something so terrible to me, that I was devastated.  I literally stopped talking to her, and I ran away. I moved 60 miles wasn't far enough. I started to have heart problems, I was hospitalized 3 times for a valve issue. I cried in my sleep. Nothing could fix or stop the pain I felt in my heart. For years my husband tried to compensate for the pain I felt from the loss of my mother in my life. Truthfully, I saw her in the mirror every day and I missed her. After 9 years, I returned to Berwick to see my mother. It was if I never left her. My message to all on this mother's day is this............................sometimes things are hard to forgive. But forgiveness is about YOU not anyone else. All my gifts that I have, every talent is from my mother. from my dad, I got my great sense of humor and wit, and from my mother I received all my talent as an artist. I am grateful I had the parents that I had. I am grateful to my mother. I wish her views on things would be different, but sometimes we have to agree to disagree. And the beauty of this is, she is here to see all of the wonderful things that she has created, now through me.  She can enjoy all the fruits of my labor, and she instilled them in me. So, thank you Ma........for my gifts. And my gift to you is showing you all the gifts you gave me.

Love, your daughter, Rose Ellen  
 Rose Ellen Moore

 My mother (Sophia) June, my grand daughter GinaRose and my son Ezio

My son Matthew, my mother Sophia (June) my son Ezio

me at 6 years old, my mother and my sister, Susan

my mother and I in 1997