A good friend allows you to be yourself with no judgments
A good friend tells you the truth
A good friend can forgive you and you forgive them
A good friend never hurts you intentionally
A good friend is always there for you no matter what
A good friend understands
A good friend wants the best for you
A good friend never keeps score about who does what for who
A good friend can pick up where you left off no matter how long it has been since you've been together
A good friend picks you up when you are down
I have been blessed. For years I did not have any good friends. I had people that passed through my life that used me and hurt me. Even family members. But now, I have found a truly unique and beautiful pod of friends. They have watched us build our business with anger, tears and determination. They have seen Clayton and I at our best and at our worst and yet they still supported and loved us through it all. They have given us advice, listened to our rantings and ravings and laughed with us. We love them and we thank them for being in our lives and we hope that we have many more beautiful times together!
Here's to a great 2014!!!!
thank you from Clayton and Rose Ellen Moore |
Rose Ellen Moore