The year was 1892. A very important year in history. Ellis Island opened it's gates to the first 700 immigrants. This small ship and close quarters made it a breeding ground for disease. Typhoid and Influenza was the new pestilence. At this time, an aristocratic mother struggles to raise her 5 children alone. Larkin, a beautiful child, although sickly, was the youngest of these children. She was the pride and joy of her mother, Lady Rebecca Cuthbert. Larkin loved to play with her doll in the garden. As she grew, she became increasingly ill. Chills crawled like spiders up her spine. Fever, and fatigue weighed down her slight frame.
After months of fighting this dreaded disease, she sadly gave in to her demise. After she passed away, her doll was abandoned, along with the dead child's hopes and dreams. All the loneliness, neglect and bitterness began to manifest itself in human form. The soul of Larkin took form in the doll that she loved so. The doll became evil and assembled a band of broken and forgotten dolls who roam the night, searching for someone to care for them.
Lady Cuthbert, did not want the disease to spread to her remaining beloved children. She locked them far away from the world, and each other. Hoping and praying to keep them alive. Oh...they stayed any means necessary.......................................................................................
Delva, her most beautiful and mysterious daughter. She was locked away in a tall stone tower on the edge of the sea. She stares longingly
at the horizon as the spray mists her face. Word spread to the local town of her undeniable beauty, of which no one has ever seen.............................
Men have flocked to her lair, but not a single man has returned. There have been rumors of strange magic, even stranger creatures...the townspeople hear the cries of torment, but fear keeps them away from the mysterious tower and the beautiful woman who lives there........................
Then there is Eula, a stunning beauty but very angry. Eula was shut away in a small dark cave against the tallest cliff. Far away from human contact. Her eyes grew accustomed to the dark. Her skin has now become sensitive to light and became hard and scaly. As her skin became hardened, so did her cold reptile-like heart... for she knew she would never hold a newborn in her arms. That version of Eula was now lost. So now she attempts to satisfy her longing by leaving her cave at night in the hopes to find abandoned children to care for. She snatches them with her claw, but it's always in vain..........................................
lady Cuthbert had run out of places to hide her children. Her son, Vlad was locked away in the cellar, slowly aging like the wine around him. His mother kept him there for fear of losing yet another child. He slowly became accustomed to his dark, cold surroundings. Not knowing his father, Vlad always knew he was different. he could feel it in his blood- or lack thereof....He wondered why his skin burned in the light of day and why his mother never spoke of his father. But Vlad left the basement without his mother's knowledge under his thick black cloak to experience life unhindered so as to ease his loneliness. If you see Vlad, and he offers you a drink from his goblet, I advise you not to take it. It may not be what you think......................
The townspeople gathered a band of their most reputable warriors. They asked pirates, wizards, soldiers, fairies and tanyone with the courage to uphold the safety of the commonwealth.. These are the protectors of the good and upholders of righteousness......
General Osnofla, leader of the mercenary band of integrity. Walks the darkened streets under the soft glow of the lamp posts. Years ago, his wife and child snatched from him by a dragon-like creature. He fought to save them, but he failed. Because of this, he assembled the best soldiers he could find. Now, they join together to safeguard the people of this town, especially women and children.
Shaa the Catowman-with her whip and claws of steel and her cat like prowess, she slinks about the roof tops...chimney to chimney. Her eyes accustomed to nightfall.............................
Captain Guss Monihan and Captain Jen Melody...this pair of gunslingers have no mercy as they round up scum and villains. Both have a story to tell.....ahhhhh...but that is for another time......
Pirates Amelia Guiness, Hettie Harrington and Betty Seabury..these are a band of kind hearted pirates. They protect the ports and inlets of the town, Nothing gets by these tough buccaneers. You ,ay look at them and say, what beautiful ladies, but they could lay you out flat, and knock you out cold, if they had to.
Petty Officer Tupper Jacq
ue- guards the skies in his latest invention, the grand aero-dirigible....powered by steam of course. He is also a chemist and engineer. If he can't find the right weapon to fight off evil, he will create it.
Our fairy, her magic and watches over the protectors of the good and the innocent hearts of this fair town. She casts her spells and weaves her magic. She also assists the soldiers and tells them when evil is close by.
The Wizard Caleet and her Raven Raziel......She was once Lady Cuthberts counselor and confidant, but she has now realized the wickedness of her, and devotes her life now to hindering the evil in which she assisted Lady Cuthbert in bringing to this town. Caleet sees the future, and aids the soldiers in changing it.
Lady Cuthbert has become demented as time went on. She watched her children become wicked as she was in her own heart. Her attempts to keep them safe were successful, but at a price. For now, these grown children are evil and the most hunted beings on the planet. She has one last try. Elizabeth her last daughter......................
The aristocrats of the town, Lady Jasmin, Grand duchess Lettice, Barroness Eve Quail, Duchess Hogerty Dodd, and Lady Safronia, have gathered for her wedding. Please join the town aristocrats, as they celebrate the union of these two, Elizabeth, and her husband Lord Charles Winthrop....
We hope that you have enjoyed our little macabre tale. We invite you to talk to our cast of characters and get to know them better. For now, we say good night, and when you go home, be sure to lock your doors...................................................
Rose Ellen Moore
RCMoore for the Unique
1729 W Tilghman Street
Allentown PA 18104