
Thursday, August 15, 2013

The art of coloring..............

Many people know that my hair is not red naturally. I know what you are all thinking...."nooooo...really?"  well...sadly, my hair is very very dark brown almost black. You can tell by my bat wing eyebrows. I started coloring my hair red ( a two part process when I was in my late 40's. I wanted a color that reflected my personality. Well, red it is!!!!

The problem with coloring one's hair at home is that it gets everywhere. And being that I am coloring my hair the color of a fire engine, it gets everywhere really fast. A few days ago, while coloring my hair, I spilled one drop on the floor, which I promptly stepped in without realizing it. Then...I marched down the hallway, praying that nothing would drip off my head when in reality I was tracking it on my toe. I realized when I arrived in the kitchen (which has a white floor) what I was doing. I bent down to clean it up and I put my head into the white cabinets. I cleaned the cabinets and backed up into the refrigerator which now had a red splotch on the front. Ok...calm down. We can clean this up quickly. As I cleaned and backed up on my hands and knees all the way to the bathroom..the bell rang. I panicked. I can't leave it on too long! so I raced into the bathroom tripping on the throw rug and bumped into the shower curtain. What happened after that was like a scene from Psycho. Bell was ringing, I was rushing to clean it off the curtain when it was getting somewhere else. My husband came home from work and said that it looked like I killed a small animal in the bathroom. But you know what? I love my hair color so much, this fiasco will not deter me from remaining the beautiful sun shiny red that I am. I feel like the sun!

That's what I urge women to do. Feel beautiful! BE beautiful! If your hair color makes you happy..then do it! If you need professional service, get a good hairdresser. if you can do it at home, good for you. I hope your bathroom looks better than mine! But most of all, if it makes you happy...then shine shine shine!!!!!

Rose Ellen Moore

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

SUPERELASTIC BUBBLEPLASTIC! plastic surgery pros and cons..........

Why are we so enthralled with plastic surgery?  What is the fear of getting older? Are we afraid that by society's standards we will no longer be beautiful?  And for that matter, what exactly is beautiful?

I can understand if a woman does not feel good about herself, the turkey neck just isn't feeling good for her. She wants it taken away....OK, I get it. But to get surgery to the point of looking eternally surprised is something I just don't understand. Lips are getting so large, people can't even smile or form a sentence. Eyebrows are almost to the hairline, and the skin is starting to resemble a plastic toy doll.

I am now 51....sometimes things bother me. Another wrinkle here, another bunch of fat there, oh, and here is a freckle I didn't know I had. But truthfully I am going to try VERY hard, to go out of this life authentic. This is me. The true, true me. No substitutions. I'm not an artificial sweetener. I'm not something that 'looks like' a designer brand, but I'm a fake. No...  I am me, the true artifact. All my bumps, bulges and sags are mine. I own them, I earned them. It takes me a little longer to get ready in the morning. A little more cover up, a little more mascara, but that is only to enhance what is already there. I'm not hiding.  I try to stretch out my wrinkles by smiling more. Yep, that does it. and not only do they stretch out, but it's contagious and other people smile back at me!!

Don't get it wrong, I do not judge people that have had, or are having plastic surgery.  I'm just going to try really hard to love what I have. I'm afraid of the anesthesia, I'm afraid of getting a blood clot, and lets face it, complications CAN happen. Wanda Sykes says "I'M BE ME!"

Rose Ellen Moore

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Put on your Confidence before putting on your hat!

  Many women come in my shop and say, 'I'm not a hat person' ...or, 'they look good on everyone else, but not me.'   You can be a hat person if you wish. Anyone can be anything they wish. It all depends on how you feel about yourself. If you put a label on yourself that says, 'I'm not a hat person' or, ' I'm fat' or, 'I'm ugly" or 'I'm short' "I'm old'...then, so shall you be. 

Remember, my sisters, that beauty comes with how you view yourself. Do not look to society to label yourself as beautiful. Do not look for approval from anyone else. What you say about yourself or anyone else becomes law in this universe. What you say, so shall you become. 

Start each day with gratitude; for life, for love, for the ability to do things. Then drown your mind in positive thoughts about yourself. Label yourself as beautiful, unique, a gift. All of a sudden you will find, you may be a hat person, you may be a confident person, but mostly, you will be a beautiful person. You ARE what you say you are.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

finding your sense of style

 How can I be my own fashion guru?  How can I find my own sense of style? 

Well...if you are tired of looking like everyone else, if you are tired of magazines telling you what to wear....then look within.  What kind of person are you? are you funny and full of humor?  try bright colors and prints. Mix them...wear them and OWN THEM. when I say Own them, I mean, feel confident, feel proud, and don't worry about what other people are saying about you.  Try 2 different prints in the same color scheme, or try one bold loud print and another small subtle print. Try wearing all one color and a kicky pair of heels in a different color. Something totally unexpected.

If you have alittle more seriousness inside you, try wearing white, cream, or khaki. For a sportier look, try browns, olive greens or navy. Finding your style, means finding something to wear that brings you joy. Fashion mags are great when you are at a loss, but if you are creative, and what they are showing doesn't work for you, try vintage. maybe another moment in time captures the moment that's in your heart.

The number one thing to remember when finding your own style is DON"T BE AFRAID! BE YOU! and BE BEAUTIFUL!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Happy Saturday Morning!!!

Having class is not just in the way you dress!  It's also in your voice, your words and actions. No matter how badly someone irritates you, remain calm, keep your resolve, don't let your feathers get ruffled. After all, who looks beautiful in ruffled feathers?   Keep this in your thoughts today as you enjoy your day, and remain beautiful and confident!

Happy Saturday!


Thursday, August 8, 2013

new stuff every day!!!!

thing 1 and thing 2
thing 1 in an orange maxi 1970's with belt and headwrap
thing 2 wearing Ann Klein apple green 3 piece suit. apple green hat is on sale!!!
all of our hats are one of a kind! when it's yours it's a part of YOU and no one else!

ear cuff!
super large spheres earrings

hammered tin super long earrings

Wednesday, August 7, 2013



ethnic clothing and who has the right to wear it

Who has the right to wear a Dashiki? Only African people? What about a beautiful brocade sari? only Eastern Indians?   If that is the case, we are all at fault. Most of our clothing came from designers who were inspired by many different ethnic races.  I am Italian/Gitane....what am I to wear? Like many Italian women...only black? like most gypsy women, colorful skirts and headscarves?  I enjoy seeing beauty in many different forms. What some people deem 'ugly' I deem as beautiful. Many people see what is, and me, I see the potential of what could be. 

So...I enjoy wearing African women's clothing. I enjoy the prints, the colorful designs and I relish in the joy of wearing a clothing representative of people who have a beautiful outlook on life.  I also love wearing the rich brocades and embroidered patterns of Eastern Indian fabric......Ritu Bari has taken some beautiful Eastern elegance and added some western touches to make a beautiful statement of mixed beauty.  The look below is just an example. So you see, it's for any woman, ...any woman that dares!  So ladies, enjoy wearing clothing from your own ethnic group...then, maybe step into a different world and enjoy wearing something different, beautiful and a representative of who we are as a people of the United States. We are truly 'the melting pot'.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Can we please stop the Pajama pants?????

On my way to work today I was shocked that in just a few short blocks I counted 4 pairs of pajama pants. They weren't even funny pants, not a cute print, nor a fun color. Instead, I found faded, dirty pajama pants, with holes, some said SEXY or PINK on the butt. Really people?  Can you put on something better to get gas in your car? This is not about judgment, or money, or the haves and have nots. I own a consignment, vintage , retail and hat shop. We donate many many bags of clothing to women's shelters, to people who do not have. There is not a reason in the world other than laziness, that women must present themselves in a fashion embarrassing to the rest of the world and to their children.

Palazzo pants are a good relaxing alternative. How about a jogging suit? Even sweat pants with a cute top. You don't have to get gas in your car looking like a fashion plate, but you do have to be presentable. You owe it to all woman kind to represent your sisters in an acceptable way, and you owe it to all mankind to keep horrible visions out of our heads!  Today is not my best day. I do not feel well physically, but I am wearing a fashionable sweatsuit, flip flops, and matching hat. I look nice, I look acceptable. Not my best, but no one will run screaming from the shop.

Self respect is reflected in how we present ourselves every day. We may not live up to Kardashian standards, but we can make an effort to present ourselves with class. CLASS!  Someone should put that on their ass on  pajama pants!