This week in the social media was the controversy between about 15 women who have said they have been raped and Bill Cosby is the accused rapist. This whole situation is disturbing on so many levels.
First , Bill Cosby broke into acting and stand up comedy at the time when it was very rare for a black person to be recognized as a viable actor or actress. Bill Cosby had a spy series on television. He had a a cartoon, he was on commercials, he had several comedy albums, not to mention guest appearances on the Tonight Show. He portrayed a positive perception of African Americans. He loved children and showed his good rapport with them on jello commercials. He had his own series which was a joy to watch for everyone. It disturbed me greatly when all of these women came from everywhere to call this man a rapist. When a seed is planted, there is nothing anyone can do. The seed just continues to grow and boom ! the man that has built his reputation, his brand, his now reduced to nothing. He is a leper, a creep, the devil incarnate. The power of social media has made this man tried and judged without a courtroom venue. The statues of limitations is long gone. There is nothing these women can do now. They can ruin his life, though. They can take hush money. Is that what they wanted and he didn't offer it? Would this man have risked e everything that he fought so hard for as As a black American only to throw it away for some 'jelly'?
Whether Bill Cosby is guilty or not we will never know. There is a he said she said issue and now with womens rights being at the forefront, there Are more people sympathizing with these women. But there is no proof, no witnesses, nothing but an allegation. These women have now put current rape victims under the microscope more. These women do not realize how they have made rape situations difficult for other unfortunate rape victims .
Sadly, even though this allegation cannot be proven....Bill Cosby is now ruined. His reputation as a family man, an educated man, a brilliant entertainer is now gone. And let's not forget the woman who is suffering the most.....his wife Camille. Now Camille has stuck by this man because of all people, maybe she knows him more than we do. Do I think Bill Cosby has had indiscretions in the past? Yes.and he has admitted that t his wife. Was the woman drugged? No. So why did he have to drug these particular women? And, by the way...this ex mistress is in jail for extortion.
My point of all this is: anyone at anytime can be in the shadows waiting for your success and at that time decide to ruin you. And when the seed is planted, there is little else you can do. Whether they want extortion money, or they just want to see you fail, the social media helps to balloon an accusation to a degree of enormous magnitude. And we as the pawns are willing to lap it up and believe it. We as a public purchase the rag papers and watch the entertainment news. So who is more guilty...Bill Cosby. ... or us?
#Fashion #Life #Women #Empowerment,#Peace #Love #Happiness #MyLife #Yourlife #Cultures #Kids #Blogging that covers all different aspects.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Monday, November 3, 2014
appreciate your life.......
When I woke up this morning and saw the news about Brittany Maynard, I was sad, but I was also happy for her. She will not have to suffer, she will not have to incur any astronomical expenses that her family will have to pay. She chose to end her life as she pleases. Many people would not agree with that, saying only God has the right to end your life. But, they are not in her position and many self righteous people do not have to do the suffering , the crying, they don't have to endure the humiliation of losing control of parts of your body. And so to them, I push the ignore button. To Brittany, I look at her as a hero.
You can read her story here on MSN:
To everyone that is reading this, and who posts hate mongering pictures and jokes on facebook, like heavy people who look terrible in their clothes, or racially fueled fights and brawls, bullying on any level, or jokes against gays or religion, I hope this article puts everything in perspective.
Life is so precious. We never know what we will have to face one day to the next. It's nice to have family or friends around to help you through pain, be it physical or mental. It hurts me to watch people make fun of, or post photos or videos of other people in pain. Where is compassion? You can't heal somethng, if you keep picking the scab. And so, with that being said. I hope that everyone appreciates their day. Today and every day. I hope that you offer help to someone in need and I hope that you find compassion for the person who you think is a 'freak'. Everyone is just trying to make it through life. It's tough. And while you are struggling to live your life, you never know when it will be taken from you........................
You can read her story here on MSN:
To everyone that is reading this, and who posts hate mongering pictures and jokes on facebook, like heavy people who look terrible in their clothes, or racially fueled fights and brawls, bullying on any level, or jokes against gays or religion, I hope this article puts everything in perspective.
Life is so precious. We never know what we will have to face one day to the next. It's nice to have family or friends around to help you through pain, be it physical or mental. It hurts me to watch people make fun of, or post photos or videos of other people in pain. Where is compassion? You can't heal somethng, if you keep picking the scab. And so, with that being said. I hope that everyone appreciates their day. Today and every day. I hope that you offer help to someone in need and I hope that you find compassion for the person who you think is a 'freak'. Everyone is just trying to make it through life. It's tough. And while you are struggling to live your life, you never know when it will be taken from you........................
Rose Ellen Moore
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Magda Olivera and other centenarians
As a woman of 52 years, I am always worried about what little time left I have to do all the things that I want to do. That was, until today. A woman inspired me in her death. Magda Olivera is a famous Italian opera singer. She died on Sept 8th at 104 years. She was performing for people up until she passed away. The following is a link, that you can hear (she speaks only Italian, but at the end, she sings, and even though at times she runs out of breath , her trained voice is remarkable.)
It wasn't until I searched for her video that I discovered another video....Polly Roesch, 100 years young sings with full orchestra. She brought me to tears with 'Let there be peace on earth'....Lord knows we need that now.
Then on listening to THAT video, I saw another, Lou Batori, 100 years old, skiing and enjoying himself. Born in Hungary, now skiing in Michigan.
Then I came across Fern...I love her earrings,
then Jessie, at 105...
Video after video I found of so many men and women enjoying their lives at 100+ singing, swimming, skiing, dancing, and all of them that were interviewed said the same thing. They didn't mention one thing about money. They said they look forward to friends, the love of family, the enjoyment of the things that they know how to do. The appreciate what they have and they forgive, and reminisce and appreciate every second of their lives.
Well, I'm not going to wait until I'm 100 to do that. But I hope that I make it as long as they did. I want to thank them for giving me inspiration, for lifting me up, for making me feel alive. Sometimes in the death of others, you see alot of life.
It wasn't until I searched for her video that I discovered another video....Polly Roesch, 100 years young sings with full orchestra. She brought me to tears with 'Let there be peace on earth'....Lord knows we need that now.
Then on listening to THAT video, I saw another, Lou Batori, 100 years old, skiing and enjoying himself. Born in Hungary, now skiing in Michigan.
Then I came across Fern...I love her earrings,
then Jessie, at 105...
Video after video I found of so many men and women enjoying their lives at 100+ singing, swimming, skiing, dancing, and all of them that were interviewed said the same thing. They didn't mention one thing about money. They said they look forward to friends, the love of family, the enjoyment of the things that they know how to do. The appreciate what they have and they forgive, and reminisce and appreciate every second of their lives.
Well, I'm not going to wait until I'm 100 to do that. But I hope that I make it as long as they did. I want to thank them for giving me inspiration, for lifting me up, for making me feel alive. Sometimes in the death of others, you see alot of life.
Rose Ellen Moore
1729 W Tilgman Street
Allentown PA 18104
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Ray and Janay Rice...shame on both of you!
Today I was reading my twitter feed and found out that Janay Rice is defending her husband. He knocked her out cold, and she defended him.
I know there will be many many views on this subject. I probably will raise alot of haters out there, but the truth of the matter is this.
We have all been in relationships where it gets to the point where you want to pound the hell out of your mate. But we don't. Why? Because it's not right. Why let it get to that point? When you argue..the best thing to do is NOTHING! don't yell anymore. Make your point later. Don't hit, scream, call names...because nothing will resolve when you are that mad. And nothing can be taken back once it comes out.
I work with my husband every day. I go home with him every night. Are there times we argue? HELL YES! are there times I want to punch him? HELL YES! are there times he wants to punch me? HELL YES YES YES!!!!! But we don't go there. It cannot be taken back. When we disagree....and we start to argue, we go in our corners. We get away from each other. We take a break. Lets think..lets cool down...lets regroup. Nothing gets resolved with hitting and name calling. And more than anything we realize in a bit, that this is the person who always has my back. I have his and he has mine. I love him and he loves me. After awhile the anger subsides, and we can calmy discuss the issue at hand. That's what grown mature people do.
Now this man is booted from his job. Good. I am glad that the NFL made a stand. This behavior is not acceptable. Now Janay is defending him. This is a giant step back for every woman who has endured domestic violence. What's the matter Janay? Is your lifestyle now gone? Was it more important than your life and your well-being? What if your child witnessed that horrific behavior? It would have taught a young girl child that 'it's ok to be hit by your husband' and if it were a boy child 'it would be ok to hit your wife'. WRONG!
I hope that both of these people get counseling. I hope Janay especially gets counseling...because I would like this woman to know something. Hitting and being hit , name calling and abuse, is NOT OK AT ALL AT ALL AT ALL!!!!! No matter man should be dragging the woman he loves out of an elevator on her face! Is this marriage irrepairable? No....not if both of them get serious counseling...but they have to be serious and they MUST adhere to boundaries. God Bless them both....they need it.
I know there will be many many views on this subject. I probably will raise alot of haters out there, but the truth of the matter is this.
We have all been in relationships where it gets to the point where you want to pound the hell out of your mate. But we don't. Why? Because it's not right. Why let it get to that point? When you argue..the best thing to do is NOTHING! don't yell anymore. Make your point later. Don't hit, scream, call names...because nothing will resolve when you are that mad. And nothing can be taken back once it comes out.
I work with my husband every day. I go home with him every night. Are there times we argue? HELL YES! are there times I want to punch him? HELL YES! are there times he wants to punch me? HELL YES YES YES!!!!! But we don't go there. It cannot be taken back. When we disagree....and we start to argue, we go in our corners. We get away from each other. We take a break. Lets think..lets cool down...lets regroup. Nothing gets resolved with hitting and name calling. And more than anything we realize in a bit, that this is the person who always has my back. I have his and he has mine. I love him and he loves me. After awhile the anger subsides, and we can calmy discuss the issue at hand. That's what grown mature people do.
Now this man is booted from his job. Good. I am glad that the NFL made a stand. This behavior is not acceptable. Now Janay is defending him. This is a giant step back for every woman who has endured domestic violence. What's the matter Janay? Is your lifestyle now gone? Was it more important than your life and your well-being? What if your child witnessed that horrific behavior? It would have taught a young girl child that 'it's ok to be hit by your husband' and if it were a boy child 'it would be ok to hit your wife'. WRONG!
I hope that both of these people get counseling. I hope Janay especially gets counseling...because I would like this woman to know something. Hitting and being hit , name calling and abuse, is NOT OK AT ALL AT ALL AT ALL!!!!! No matter man should be dragging the woman he loves out of an elevator on her face! Is this marriage irrepairable? No....not if both of them get serious counseling...but they have to be serious and they MUST adhere to boundaries. God Bless them both....they need it.
Rose Ellen Moore
1729 W Tilghman Street'
Allentown, PA 18104
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Getting older is a fact of life. But you don't realize how painful and sometimes depressing it is until you hit the age where things start to happen and you can't control them. When I was younger, I would look at my grandmother and think, 'wow...her knees really hurt her today...she really should do more moving around so she does not get stiffer.' But now that I am a grandmother myself, and I am at the age where my knees are beginning to hurt, I realize how hard it is to fight everyday for my health and my youth.
Also, God plays a funny joke on us as we get older. I cannot see very far, but close up, I can see very well. Too well. As I put my make up on in the morning, I am finding little lines around my eyes and mouth that I didn't have. Were they always there but I just didn't see them? I have a double chin, sometimes a triple chin all depending on how I hold my head. Which is why in almost every photo I look like I'm checking to see if it's raining. I now realize why some women resort to plastic surgery. Because we have a little voice in our head saying, 'wait! I'm not ready!'
My husband went to the gym and saw a group of young guys playing basketball. They welcomed him in and my husband being the fantastic basketball player that he is, hung in there, but I saw him struggling to breathe. I prayed silently for him not to have a heart attack! By the time it got to the end of the game, I was googling the nearest hospital! Men struggle with the aging process just like women. Maybe differently,but it's a struggle just the same.
I hope that I speak for every man and woman at the age of 50+ when I say, KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT! Get up in the morning with purpose! You may not look the same way you did at 18 in those jeans, but now your beauty comes in a different form. It's still there, it all depends on your attitude. Keep as active as you can. Ok...maybe basketball isn't your sport anymore, maybe you will take up hiking...maybe swimming, long as you can still move. Aging gives you an opportunity to try something new. And lets not forget, SEX is a sport! (yay!)
So let those lines around your eyes and mouth be because you smile too much. Look forward to new opportunities! Your life isn't over, until you decide to give up. And as for me, .....that isn't happening!
Also, God plays a funny joke on us as we get older. I cannot see very far, but close up, I can see very well. Too well. As I put my make up on in the morning, I am finding little lines around my eyes and mouth that I didn't have. Were they always there but I just didn't see them? I have a double chin, sometimes a triple chin all depending on how I hold my head. Which is why in almost every photo I look like I'm checking to see if it's raining. I now realize why some women resort to plastic surgery. Because we have a little voice in our head saying, 'wait! I'm not ready!'
My husband went to the gym and saw a group of young guys playing basketball. They welcomed him in and my husband being the fantastic basketball player that he is, hung in there, but I saw him struggling to breathe. I prayed silently for him not to have a heart attack! By the time it got to the end of the game, I was googling the nearest hospital! Men struggle with the aging process just like women. Maybe differently,but it's a struggle just the same.
I hope that I speak for every man and woman at the age of 50+ when I say, KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT! Get up in the morning with purpose! You may not look the same way you did at 18 in those jeans, but now your beauty comes in a different form. It's still there, it all depends on your attitude. Keep as active as you can. Ok...maybe basketball isn't your sport anymore, maybe you will take up hiking...maybe swimming, long as you can still move. Aging gives you an opportunity to try something new. And lets not forget, SEX is a sport! (yay!)
So let those lines around your eyes and mouth be because you smile too much. Look forward to new opportunities! Your life isn't over, until you decide to give up. And as for me, .....that isn't happening!
Rose Ellen Moore
RCMoore for the Unique vintage/millinery
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
vintage style!
As most of you know, my husband, Clayton, and I own a vintage/millinery shop on 1729 W Tilghman Street, Allentown PA. It's a quaint shop. Everything that is weird and wonderful is in here. If you wanted to get lost in time, and laugh until your stomach hurts, come on in here. Don't be afraid of the word VINTAGE. Vintage means 'a moment in time' or a 'time period'. In here, you get lost in not only time, but HISTORY. It's a great place to educate your kids. Fashion was so engrossed in what was going on at that moment in time.
I have a sign on the door, please don't be put off by it. It reads, "This is not a thrift store. We are a Millinery/Vintage store. Our items are delicate and sometimes rare. Please respect our space. Mind your children and enjoy....all items damaged are considered sold, thank you." The reason I put that up is because the items we have in here, we have taken great pains to restore and to make wearable. A 1890's velvet cape with trim which is selling for $400 should not be thrown about, nor should someone's child with a lollipop come and touch it with his sticky hands. We love to have people come in and browse about our shop and laugh and stroll down memory lane and ask me, 'did people really WEAR this?' But everything old can be new again, with a touch of something new like a belt or some jewelry. Maybe some new boots or a scarf or a cool jacket. You would be surprised how many years of vintage clothing just go round and round. Great designers are inspired by the shoulder pads of the 40's and the sleek lines of the 20's. The grand circle dresses of the 50's are so perfect for a pear shaped body! (like mine!) And once you purchase something in a vintage shop, I can guarantee you that no one on the street will be wearing anything like it! You will be unique like a snowflake! And EVERYONE will want what you have.
I hope that you have the opportunity to come to our shop on Tilghman street. We love our customers and I love dressing them up like real live barbie dolls! But most of all, I love to see women look like women. I like women to look and feel beautiful and appreciate every line and curve of their glorious bodie that they live with every day. We have corsets for women who need alittle help, or who want to feel extra feminine.We have jewelry that supports women's causes all over the world. Most of all, we have unique things for women who want to be 'special'.
thank you for reading today.....and remember:
RCMoore for the Unique Individual....................because NO ONE is quite like you!
Rose Ellen Moore
I have a sign on the door, please don't be put off by it. It reads, "This is not a thrift store. We are a Millinery/Vintage store. Our items are delicate and sometimes rare. Please respect our space. Mind your children and enjoy....all items damaged are considered sold, thank you." The reason I put that up is because the items we have in here, we have taken great pains to restore and to make wearable. A 1890's velvet cape with trim which is selling for $400 should not be thrown about, nor should someone's child with a lollipop come and touch it with his sticky hands. We love to have people come in and browse about our shop and laugh and stroll down memory lane and ask me, 'did people really WEAR this?' But everything old can be new again, with a touch of something new like a belt or some jewelry. Maybe some new boots or a scarf or a cool jacket. You would be surprised how many years of vintage clothing just go round and round. Great designers are inspired by the shoulder pads of the 40's and the sleek lines of the 20's. The grand circle dresses of the 50's are so perfect for a pear shaped body! (like mine!) And once you purchase something in a vintage shop, I can guarantee you that no one on the street will be wearing anything like it! You will be unique like a snowflake! And EVERYONE will want what you have.
I hope that you have the opportunity to come to our shop on Tilghman street. We love our customers and I love dressing them up like real live barbie dolls! But most of all, I love to see women look like women. I like women to look and feel beautiful and appreciate every line and curve of their glorious bodie that they live with every day. We have corsets for women who need alittle help, or who want to feel extra feminine.We have jewelry that supports women's causes all over the world. Most of all, we have unique things for women who want to be 'special'.
thank you for reading today.....and remember:
RCMoore for the Unique Individual....................because NO ONE is quite like you!
Rose Ellen Moore
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Compassion is something we do not see too much of in this world. We are always quick to condemn or to point a finger by never with any understanding as to 'why' a person is driven to do the things that they do.
For example, the woman that left her infant in the subway. I'm sure that you all heard of this in the news.
This woman who had a complete breakdown, left her child in the subway assuming that she would be safe. Of course, I immediately thought, 'if ANYONE ever rode the subway in NYC, that is the LAST place a child would be safe. Obviously this woman was pushed to her limit and was not thinking clearly. If she was in a stable state of mind, she would not have left the infant alone anywhere! Sometimes desperation leads you to choose between a rock and a hard place. There is no right answer. BUT.....even though we have compassion for this individual, does that mean she is automatically forgiven and should not be punished for putting the child in harms way????
Just like the woman in Arizona who left her small children in a hot car while she was on a job interview. She did not have a sitter.....I have compassion for the woman because she was trying to better her life, she was trying to make a way for her and her children, HOWEVER, it only takes 45 minutes for a child to die in a hot car. So what is the alternative. Should she not be punished?
Life is full of hard choices and difficult ' no win' situations. I should know, I have LIVED so many sad and sorry situations in my life. I am a strong supporter and advocate for women. But rather than pet a woman on the head, and put her on the pity pot, we must strengthen these women and educate them. There is a penalty you must pay if you do not make a rational decision.
As women we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. Ultimately it is US that have to bear the burden of having a child, raising a child, taking care of them and making sure they are safe...while we are working to pay rent, bills and food. At the same time, always looking for a man to love us, validate us,take charge of the family, and sometimes that man that we are looking for is not there. In these times, I will say MOST of the time, those men are not there. (no disrespect to men at all , and that is for another blog) I remember back in the day I wanted to throw my hands up and say I QUIT, but then look at the faces of my 4 children and I realized that quitting was not an option! AND...if we as women, say that we cannot handle the situation, and relinquish the custody of our children, then we are condemned!!!!! We are BAD MOMMIES and should be put to death! How can a woman give up her child? as a woman that's been abused, ask a woman that has been pushed in a corner, crippled by a partner and society.
So what do we do? Yes we have compassion...but should a punishment be given, or forgiveness???? what is right? how do we fix it? Now that's a question for a woman, because we ALWAYS try to 'fix it'.
Rose Ellen Moore
For example, the woman that left her infant in the subway. I'm sure that you all heard of this in the news.
This woman who had a complete breakdown, left her child in the subway assuming that she would be safe. Of course, I immediately thought, 'if ANYONE ever rode the subway in NYC, that is the LAST place a child would be safe. Obviously this woman was pushed to her limit and was not thinking clearly. If she was in a stable state of mind, she would not have left the infant alone anywhere! Sometimes desperation leads you to choose between a rock and a hard place. There is no right answer. BUT.....even though we have compassion for this individual, does that mean she is automatically forgiven and should not be punished for putting the child in harms way????
Just like the woman in Arizona who left her small children in a hot car while she was on a job interview. She did not have a sitter.....I have compassion for the woman because she was trying to better her life, she was trying to make a way for her and her children, HOWEVER, it only takes 45 minutes for a child to die in a hot car. So what is the alternative. Should she not be punished?
Life is full of hard choices and difficult ' no win' situations. I should know, I have LIVED so many sad and sorry situations in my life. I am a strong supporter and advocate for women. But rather than pet a woman on the head, and put her on the pity pot, we must strengthen these women and educate them. There is a penalty you must pay if you do not make a rational decision.
As women we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. Ultimately it is US that have to bear the burden of having a child, raising a child, taking care of them and making sure they are safe...while we are working to pay rent, bills and food. At the same time, always looking for a man to love us, validate us,take charge of the family, and sometimes that man that we are looking for is not there. In these times, I will say MOST of the time, those men are not there. (no disrespect to men at all , and that is for another blog) I remember back in the day I wanted to throw my hands up and say I QUIT, but then look at the faces of my 4 children and I realized that quitting was not an option! AND...if we as women, say that we cannot handle the situation, and relinquish the custody of our children, then we are condemned!!!!! We are BAD MOMMIES and should be put to death! How can a woman give up her child? as a woman that's been abused, ask a woman that has been pushed in a corner, crippled by a partner and society.
So what do we do? Yes we have compassion...but should a punishment be given, or forgiveness???? what is right? how do we fix it? Now that's a question for a woman, because we ALWAYS try to 'fix it'.
Rose Ellen Moore
Monday, July 7, 2014
I am absolutely OUTRAGED at the fact that Joan Rivers THINKS that EVERY aspect of life MUST be a joke! This woman is so out of touch that she should RETIRE! She walked off an interview on CNN because she thought that the person was negative. Joan...hello....Joan...YOU are the negative one. You, who makes a joke about Casey Anthony's child being dead...YOU who says negative things about almost everyone and doesn't care who it hurts. Who died and made these 4 people the appointed professionals about fashion. Kelly Osbourne is full of tats and her hair is purple....maybe that isn't appealing for some people. Why isn't that a fashion no no? Giulliana Ransic is so thin she can fold herself and put herself in an envelope and mail herself anywhere she wants to go. Why isn't her breast cancer a joke?
There are many people who dress tasteless and have no class. These fashions will never be forgotten. This goes as well for WORDS. Many things Joan has said, has absolutely NO CLASS and they will never be forgotten. I know that everyone wants their fame. But I would not like to be remembered as someone who is vicious to another woman. Especially to someone who has had a breakdown, an eating disorder, some kind of health problem or is a victim of a poor choice.
Joan you are 80 years old. Certainly life is tough. But do you have to make it tougher? Shouldn't you use humor to soften the blow? Certainly you know what it's like not to love yourself. Since you have had so many plastic surgeries, you must not have been very happy with what you were given by nature. Well maybe some of these people who have been victims of your sharp tongue prefer to leave this world authentic. Unlike you, who has had more plastic body parts than Matell toy company.
I know that as a thick woman, even though someone made fun of me, and I laughed, deep down there is that longing to be like the long lean blonde woman. The one that society wants you to be. The one that doesn't have a big round butt, the kind that has large perky boobs, and the kind that has long silken blonde hair like golden threads. I longed to look like my Barbie doll when I was little, but instead got a thick, curvaceous body with black frizzly like hair. When I was bullied in school, it was just another nail in my confidence coffin. Even though, now at 52, I don't want to be anyone but myself, it still hurts when people are mean. and YOU Joan Rivers, are mean. You are a bully. You need to stop. Madeline Albright wrote, 'there is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women'. Why don't you use your sharp tongue to EDUCATE, and EMPOWER, rather than BULLY and BATTER.? But then again, maybe you wouldn't get the ratings, and I guess to you, RATINGS and MONEY are worth more than PRINCIPLE and PRIDE.
I may be nothing to you...and I may not have your money. But I never want to be you. I want to help my sisters, I love my business and I hope and pray that before you leave this earth you try to correct all the damage you have inflicted on actors, artists and musicians. These people are ecclectic and beautiful. They are different. Why are YOU making the rules. No one asked you. So, please go away. Don't go away mad, just go away.
Rose Ellen Moore
There are many people who dress tasteless and have no class. These fashions will never be forgotten. This goes as well for WORDS. Many things Joan has said, has absolutely NO CLASS and they will never be forgotten. I know that everyone wants their fame. But I would not like to be remembered as someone who is vicious to another woman. Especially to someone who has had a breakdown, an eating disorder, some kind of health problem or is a victim of a poor choice.
Joan you are 80 years old. Certainly life is tough. But do you have to make it tougher? Shouldn't you use humor to soften the blow? Certainly you know what it's like not to love yourself. Since you have had so many plastic surgeries, you must not have been very happy with what you were given by nature. Well maybe some of these people who have been victims of your sharp tongue prefer to leave this world authentic. Unlike you, who has had more plastic body parts than Matell toy company.
I know that as a thick woman, even though someone made fun of me, and I laughed, deep down there is that longing to be like the long lean blonde woman. The one that society wants you to be. The one that doesn't have a big round butt, the kind that has large perky boobs, and the kind that has long silken blonde hair like golden threads. I longed to look like my Barbie doll when I was little, but instead got a thick, curvaceous body with black frizzly like hair. When I was bullied in school, it was just another nail in my confidence coffin. Even though, now at 52, I don't want to be anyone but myself, it still hurts when people are mean. and YOU Joan Rivers, are mean. You are a bully. You need to stop. Madeline Albright wrote, 'there is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women'. Why don't you use your sharp tongue to EDUCATE, and EMPOWER, rather than BULLY and BATTER.? But then again, maybe you wouldn't get the ratings, and I guess to you, RATINGS and MONEY are worth more than PRINCIPLE and PRIDE.
I may be nothing to you...and I may not have your money. But I never want to be you. I want to help my sisters, I love my business and I hope and pray that before you leave this earth you try to correct all the damage you have inflicted on actors, artists and musicians. These people are ecclectic and beautiful. They are different. Why are YOU making the rules. No one asked you. So, please go away. Don't go away mad, just go away.
Rose Ellen Moore
Monday, June 30, 2014
Enjoy your summer, but don't get drunk~!
MSN actually put out a list of the 8 things you should not do when you're drunk. Yes, people...someone actually made a list of the things that you should NOT do when you're drunk. I don't know how educated this person was, but they must have been scraping for news today. The first rule should be, don't get drunk, because nothing done is excess turns out to be a positive experience.....and so ......heeeeeeeeere we go! is the first one. Do NOT take acetomenophin. Why? Because it could cause liver damage, even if you take it alone,..... and so can alcohol...therefore it creates a "cluster-f&^%$#" of toxins that could do very bad things to your liver.
Here's the next one...are you ready for this stupidity? Don't drive a boat! Now that's rocket science. I can't even drive a boat straight if I drank water! This list just gets better.....
Do not GAMBLE! Chances are, you will lose your money. Guess what? If you're sober, your odds of winning are just as slim.
Here's one that I really didn't know. If you are drunk, and you go in a hot tub, you MAY suffer from dehydration. Your body can not regulate it's body temp and therefore can go into convulsions, you may vomit, and even die! That one was a shocker for me.
Do not go swimming! This would be wise...if you are drunk stay away from water. There is a risk of drowning!
Here's another one that is beyond me. Do Not TAKE SHOTS! Because if you are already drunk, why would you drink MORE?!?! Taking shots makes your blood sugar spike which can cause black outs.
Do Not swallow any kind of sleeping pill or relaxant. You may put yourself in a coma...permanently!
Do not have a thing you know, that person is spilling the beans to everyone in town
These things actually made news today on (see the link above ) and I cannot believe that some of them were even posted. How about THIS newsflash....THE WORST THING YOU COULD DO TO YOUR BODY IS TO GET DRUNK! You may get 'buzzed' may feel 'tipsy' and that is a sign to STOP! Why would you continue to put yourself in a compromising situation? The first thing on your list of 'do nots' should be DO NOT take more than 3 drinks. If you do, have a good and trusted friend take you home immediately, because you have now put yourself at risk. Gambling, driving a boat, going in a hot tub...those things are not even CLOSE to what is the most dangerous. Because YOU (a woman) now has to walk home, or walk to a cab, which puts you at risk, you must unlock your apartment door, and you have no idea who is watching you....this is a stupid list of frivolous things. First Rule....DON"T GET DRUNK...drink, but have control. Once you give up control, ANYTHING that you do, will be the wrong thing! I hope that whoever wrote this article understands this. Lets start the summer off treating ourselves well, having self respect. Party! YES! Party party party!!!!! but everything must have a limit or there may be regrets later.
Happy 4th of July!!!! from Rose Ellen and Clayton Moore is the first one. Do NOT take acetomenophin. Why? Because it could cause liver damage, even if you take it alone,..... and so can alcohol...therefore it creates a "cluster-f&^%$#" of toxins that could do very bad things to your liver.
Here's the next one...are you ready for this stupidity? Don't drive a boat! Now that's rocket science. I can't even drive a boat straight if I drank water! This list just gets better.....
Do not GAMBLE! Chances are, you will lose your money. Guess what? If you're sober, your odds of winning are just as slim.
Here's one that I really didn't know. If you are drunk, and you go in a hot tub, you MAY suffer from dehydration. Your body can not regulate it's body temp and therefore can go into convulsions, you may vomit, and even die! That one was a shocker for me.
Do not go swimming! This would be wise...if you are drunk stay away from water. There is a risk of drowning!
Here's another one that is beyond me. Do Not TAKE SHOTS! Because if you are already drunk, why would you drink MORE?!?! Taking shots makes your blood sugar spike which can cause black outs.
Do Not swallow any kind of sleeping pill or relaxant. You may put yourself in a coma...permanently!
Do not have a thing you know, that person is spilling the beans to everyone in town
These things actually made news today on (see the link above ) and I cannot believe that some of them were even posted. How about THIS newsflash....THE WORST THING YOU COULD DO TO YOUR BODY IS TO GET DRUNK! You may get 'buzzed' may feel 'tipsy' and that is a sign to STOP! Why would you continue to put yourself in a compromising situation? The first thing on your list of 'do nots' should be DO NOT take more than 3 drinks. If you do, have a good and trusted friend take you home immediately, because you have now put yourself at risk. Gambling, driving a boat, going in a hot tub...those things are not even CLOSE to what is the most dangerous. Because YOU (a woman) now has to walk home, or walk to a cab, which puts you at risk, you must unlock your apartment door, and you have no idea who is watching you....this is a stupid list of frivolous things. First Rule....DON"T GET DRUNK...drink, but have control. Once you give up control, ANYTHING that you do, will be the wrong thing! I hope that whoever wrote this article understands this. Lets start the summer off treating ourselves well, having self respect. Party! YES! Party party party!!!!! but everything must have a limit or there may be regrets later.
Happy 4th of July!!!! from Rose Ellen and Clayton Moore
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Here's to the stuff that REALLY matters.....
As I was reading the morning news on MSN today I came across an article that was so inspiring. I was so happy to see two young actors finally 'get it'. In the wake of Kim and Kanye's wedding, which I am happy for, but ok, lets talk about something else, shall we? I'm tired of hearing about why or why not with Obama, Congress, the economy, The Duggers, Kate plus 8 and every other reality show. I'm hungry for a piece of news, but not that news. I am left with an empty feeling and sadness.
Why don't we talk about things that matter? Things that we CAN do something about? Today in the news was a photograph taken by the papparazzi of Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. Instead of smiling for the cameras, or punching one of them, they simply 'tried something new'. They put their CHARITIES first. They put the needs of others before themselves. Wow..that's a wild thought.
their sign read:
",, (and don't forget),," it reads. "Here's to the stuff that matters. Have a great day!"
Here's to the stuff that really matters! Get it?
Gilda's club was named for Gilda Radner, whom I not only LOVED but imitated way back in the late 70's. She brought me out of my shell in high school and helped me discover who I was. She was gone too soon due to ovarian cancer. This 'club' is a place that people come to , to 'live with' cancer. This place offers emotional social support as a supplement to medical care. What a great organization.
Please click on the website above to become a member or supporter.
"The Mission of Youth Mentoring Connection (YMC) is to awaken at-risk youth to their power, unique gifts and purpose by matching them with caring adult mentors and placing that “match” within a structured group dynamic that provides the resources youth need to reach productive, conscious adulthood."
How badly we need a program like this in every city in America! This organization was founded in 2001...just think what could happen if we get more educated adults involved in this!
Please click on the above link to find out how you can help!
autism speaks is a great organization that shows how you can get involved in finding a way to screen your child, to get support if you have an autistic child, to get resources for information, to organize a walk ....there are tool kits, blogs, and so many informative things on this website.
Click on the above link to find out how you can help, or get this information to someone who needs help.
This is what social media is all about. I could post another selfie with a crazy wig, I could promote my business which I intend to do later, but right now Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield challenged me silently. I watched them inspire me to do the right thing. So now I'm passing it to you.
Here's to the stuff that REALLY matters.... I hope you pass it on
Have a great day!
Rose Ellen Moore
Why don't we talk about things that matter? Things that we CAN do something about? Today in the news was a photograph taken by the papparazzi of Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. Instead of smiling for the cameras, or punching one of them, they simply 'tried something new'. They put their CHARITIES first. They put the needs of others before themselves. Wow..that's a wild thought.
their sign read:
",, (and don't forget),," it reads. "Here's to the stuff that matters. Have a great day!"
Here's to the stuff that really matters! Get it?
Gilda's club was named for Gilda Radner, whom I not only LOVED but imitated way back in the late 70's. She brought me out of my shell in high school and helped me discover who I was. She was gone too soon due to ovarian cancer. This 'club' is a place that people come to , to 'live with' cancer. This place offers emotional social support as a supplement to medical care. What a great organization.
Please click on the website above to become a member or supporter.
"The Mission of Youth Mentoring Connection (YMC) is to awaken at-risk youth to their power, unique gifts and purpose by matching them with caring adult mentors and placing that “match” within a structured group dynamic that provides the resources youth need to reach productive, conscious adulthood."
How badly we need a program like this in every city in America! This organization was founded in 2001...just think what could happen if we get more educated adults involved in this!
Please click on the above link to find out how you can help!
autism speaks is a great organization that shows how you can get involved in finding a way to screen your child, to get support if you have an autistic child, to get resources for information, to organize a walk ....there are tool kits, blogs, and so many informative things on this website.
Click on the above link to find out how you can help, or get this information to someone who needs help.
This is what social media is all about. I could post another selfie with a crazy wig, I could promote my business which I intend to do later, but right now Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield challenged me silently. I watched them inspire me to do the right thing. So now I'm passing it to you.
Here's to the stuff that REALLY matters.... I hope you pass it on
Have a great day!
Rose Ellen Moore
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