On my blog I complain about women who wear no underwear, or men who wear their pants around their knees.....those are things that are common sense. No one should be distasteful. But bullying people over their weight or what they choose to wear is not appropriate. Jennifer Lawrence who is known for playing Katniss Everdeen on the Hunger Games publicly spoke out against Fashion Police as did Lady Gaga. The interview was as follows:
It's safe to say that Jennifer Lawrence is not a fan of E's hit show "Fashion Police."
During a Yahoo Q&A session Thursday, Lawrence called out the show -- which features hosts Kelly Osbourne, Joan Rivers, George Kotsiopoulos and Giuliana Rancic highlighting the best and worst in celeb style each week -- for promoting "wrong values."
There are shows like 'Fashion Police' that are just showing these generations of young people to judge people based on all the wrong values and that it's OK to point at people and call them ugly or fat," Lawrence said. "They call it 'fun' and they say 'welcome to the real world' -- and that shouldn't be the real world. It's going to continue being the real world if we keep it that way. We have to stop treating each other like that and stop calling each other fat."
In past interviews, Lawrence has lamented the fact that she's considered "fat" by Hollywood standards.
"There are unrealistic expectations for women, it's disappointing that the media keeps it alive and fuels that fire. It's something that really bothers me -- because I love to eat," she said during the Q&A.
Lawrence isn't the first celeb to hit back at the E! show. Lady Gaga criticized the show in January in an open letter to Kelly Osbourne.
"I have empathy for you Kelly, but I feel it culturally important to note that you have chosen a less compassionate path. Your work on E! with the Fashion Police is rooted in criticism, judgment, and rating people's beauty against one another," she wrote.
"'Appearance' is the most used reason for bullying in the world. Your show breeds negativity, and over the years has even become comedic in nature. It glorifies you and Joan Rivers pointing in the camera, laughing, and making jokes about artists and celebrities as if we are zoo animals.
I am so proud of these 2 celebrities who voiced their opinion and felt to protect people out there who are being criticized. I don't believe in wearing pajama pants in public. I don't believe in going without underwear for an event with a short dress. It is not appropriate. Hair rollers, bedroom slippers and shower caps are for AT HOME. going out in public should be 'dressed to impress, dress for success' kind of thing. Self respect is important. Hate mongering of any kind is NOT appropriate, Our society needs to understand that people have many different unique tastes and styles. Wearing RED pumps with a black dress should not be criticized. I break fashion rules every day, but the one thing that is important is that I AM ME! And no one can duplicate it! So..............
Fashion Police....You are hearby ARRESTED~! Cease and desist hatemongering of any kind! I will no longer watch your show until you have realized that we as individuals of this planet can cover our bodies in whatever crazy getup we want. Helping someone have taste, class and self respect is one thing,...but insulting them and destroying their spirit is another. Stop fueling the fires of hate.
Rose Ellen Moore
RCMoore for the Unique Individual, because NO ONE is quite like YOU!
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