As I was reading the morning news on MSN today I came across an article that was so inspiring. I was so happy to see two young actors finally 'get it'. In the wake of Kim and Kanye's wedding, which I am happy for, but ok, lets talk about something else, shall we? I'm tired of hearing about why or why not with Obama, Congress, the economy, The Duggers, Kate plus 8 and every other reality show. I'm hungry for a piece of news, but not that news. I am left with an empty feeling and sadness.
Why don't we talk about things that matter? Things that we CAN do something about? Today in the news was a photograph taken by the papparazzi of Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. Instead of smiling for the cameras, or punching one of them, they simply 'tried something new'. They put their CHARITIES first. They put the needs of others before themselves. Wow..that's a wild thought.
their sign read:
",, (and don't forget),," it reads. "Here's to the stuff that matters. Have a great day!"
Here's to the stuff that really matters! Get it?
Gilda's club was named for Gilda Radner, whom I not only LOVED but imitated way back in the late 70's. She brought me out of my shell in high school and helped me discover who I was. She was gone too soon due to ovarian cancer. This 'club' is a place that people come to , to 'live with' cancer. This place offers emotional social support as a supplement to medical care. What a great organization.
Please click on the website above to become a member or supporter.
"The Mission of Youth Mentoring Connection (YMC) is to awaken at-risk youth to their power, unique gifts and purpose by matching them with caring adult mentors and placing that “match” within a structured group dynamic that provides the resources youth need to reach productive, conscious adulthood."
How badly we need a program like this in every city in America! This organization was founded in 2001...just think what could happen if we get more educated adults involved in this!
Please click on the above link to find out how you can help!
autism speaks is a great organization that shows how you can get involved in finding a way to screen your child, to get support if you have an autistic child, to get resources for information, to organize a walk ....there are tool kits, blogs, and so many informative things on this website.
Click on the above link to find out how you can help, or get this information to someone who needs help.
This is what social media is all about. I could post another selfie with a crazy wig, I could promote my business which I intend to do later, but right now Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield challenged me silently. I watched them inspire me to do the right thing. So now I'm passing it to you.
Here's to the stuff that REALLY matters.... I hope you pass it on
Have a great day!
Rose Ellen Moore
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