MSN actually put out a list of the 8 things you should not do when you're drunk. Yes, people...someone actually made a list of the things that you should NOT do when you're drunk. I don't know how educated this person was, but they must have been scraping for news today. The first rule should be, don't get drunk, because nothing done is excess turns out to be a positive experience.....and so ......heeeeeeeeere we go! is the first one. Do NOT take acetomenophin. Why? Because it could cause liver damage, even if you take it alone,..... and so can alcohol...therefore it creates a "cluster-f&^%$#" of toxins that could do very bad things to your liver.
Here's the next one...are you ready for this stupidity? Don't drive a boat! Now that's rocket science. I can't even drive a boat straight if I drank water! This list just gets better.....
Do not GAMBLE! Chances are, you will lose your money. Guess what? If you're sober, your odds of winning are just as slim.
Here's one that I really didn't know. If you are drunk, and you go in a hot tub, you MAY suffer from dehydration. Your body can not regulate it's body temp and therefore can go into convulsions, you may vomit, and even die! That one was a shocker for me.
Do not go swimming! This would be wise...if you are drunk stay away from water. There is a risk of drowning!
Here's another one that is beyond me. Do Not TAKE SHOTS! Because if you are already drunk, why would you drink MORE?!?! Taking shots makes your blood sugar spike which can cause black outs.
Do Not swallow any kind of sleeping pill or relaxant. You may put yourself in a coma...permanently!
Do not have a thing you know, that person is spilling the beans to everyone in town
These things actually made news today on (see the link above ) and I cannot believe that some of them were even posted. How about THIS newsflash....THE WORST THING YOU COULD DO TO YOUR BODY IS TO GET DRUNK! You may get 'buzzed' may feel 'tipsy' and that is a sign to STOP! Why would you continue to put yourself in a compromising situation? The first thing on your list of 'do nots' should be DO NOT take more than 3 drinks. If you do, have a good and trusted friend take you home immediately, because you have now put yourself at risk. Gambling, driving a boat, going in a hot tub...those things are not even CLOSE to what is the most dangerous. Because YOU (a woman) now has to walk home, or walk to a cab, which puts you at risk, you must unlock your apartment door, and you have no idea who is watching you....this is a stupid list of frivolous things. First Rule....DON"T GET DRUNK...drink, but have control. Once you give up control, ANYTHING that you do, will be the wrong thing! I hope that whoever wrote this article understands this. Lets start the summer off treating ourselves well, having self respect. Party! YES! Party party party!!!!! but everything must have a limit or there may be regrets later.
Happy 4th of July!!!! from Rose Ellen and Clayton Moore
#Fashion #Life #Women #Empowerment,#Peace #Love #Happiness #MyLife #Yourlife #Cultures #Kids #Blogging that covers all different aspects.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Here's to the stuff that REALLY matters.....
As I was reading the morning news on MSN today I came across an article that was so inspiring. I was so happy to see two young actors finally 'get it'. In the wake of Kim and Kanye's wedding, which I am happy for, but ok, lets talk about something else, shall we? I'm tired of hearing about why or why not with Obama, Congress, the economy, The Duggers, Kate plus 8 and every other reality show. I'm hungry for a piece of news, but not that news. I am left with an empty feeling and sadness.
Why don't we talk about things that matter? Things that we CAN do something about? Today in the news was a photograph taken by the papparazzi of Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. Instead of smiling for the cameras, or punching one of them, they simply 'tried something new'. They put their CHARITIES first. They put the needs of others before themselves. Wow..that's a wild thought.
their sign read:
",, (and don't forget),," it reads. "Here's to the stuff that matters. Have a great day!"
Here's to the stuff that really matters! Get it?
Gilda's club was named for Gilda Radner, whom I not only LOVED but imitated way back in the late 70's. She brought me out of my shell in high school and helped me discover who I was. She was gone too soon due to ovarian cancer. This 'club' is a place that people come to , to 'live with' cancer. This place offers emotional social support as a supplement to medical care. What a great organization.
Please click on the website above to become a member or supporter.
"The Mission of Youth Mentoring Connection (YMC) is to awaken at-risk youth to their power, unique gifts and purpose by matching them with caring adult mentors and placing that “match” within a structured group dynamic that provides the resources youth need to reach productive, conscious adulthood."
How badly we need a program like this in every city in America! This organization was founded in 2001...just think what could happen if we get more educated adults involved in this!
Please click on the above link to find out how you can help!
autism speaks is a great organization that shows how you can get involved in finding a way to screen your child, to get support if you have an autistic child, to get resources for information, to organize a walk ....there are tool kits, blogs, and so many informative things on this website.
Click on the above link to find out how you can help, or get this information to someone who needs help.
This is what social media is all about. I could post another selfie with a crazy wig, I could promote my business which I intend to do later, but right now Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield challenged me silently. I watched them inspire me to do the right thing. So now I'm passing it to you.
Here's to the stuff that REALLY matters.... I hope you pass it on
Have a great day!
Rose Ellen Moore
Why don't we talk about things that matter? Things that we CAN do something about? Today in the news was a photograph taken by the papparazzi of Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. Instead of smiling for the cameras, or punching one of them, they simply 'tried something new'. They put their CHARITIES first. They put the needs of others before themselves. Wow..that's a wild thought.
their sign read:
",, (and don't forget),," it reads. "Here's to the stuff that matters. Have a great day!"
Here's to the stuff that really matters! Get it?
Gilda's club was named for Gilda Radner, whom I not only LOVED but imitated way back in the late 70's. She brought me out of my shell in high school and helped me discover who I was. She was gone too soon due to ovarian cancer. This 'club' is a place that people come to , to 'live with' cancer. This place offers emotional social support as a supplement to medical care. What a great organization.
Please click on the website above to become a member or supporter.
"The Mission of Youth Mentoring Connection (YMC) is to awaken at-risk youth to their power, unique gifts and purpose by matching them with caring adult mentors and placing that “match” within a structured group dynamic that provides the resources youth need to reach productive, conscious adulthood."
How badly we need a program like this in every city in America! This organization was founded in 2001...just think what could happen if we get more educated adults involved in this!
Please click on the above link to find out how you can help!
autism speaks is a great organization that shows how you can get involved in finding a way to screen your child, to get support if you have an autistic child, to get resources for information, to organize a walk ....there are tool kits, blogs, and so many informative things on this website.
Click on the above link to find out how you can help, or get this information to someone who needs help.
This is what social media is all about. I could post another selfie with a crazy wig, I could promote my business which I intend to do later, but right now Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield challenged me silently. I watched them inspire me to do the right thing. So now I'm passing it to you.
Here's to the stuff that REALLY matters.... I hope you pass it on
Have a great day!
Rose Ellen Moore
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
This morning as I was preparing for work, I came across one of my most favorite movies on TV...Moonstruck. I was so happy to start my day feeling alittle nostalgic about my family and so close to my roots.
I was born in Berwick PA. A very small town where 'out of the norm' is not accepted. Where being different means that you have a mental problem. When I grew up there about 85% of the whole place was Italian/Catholic. I grew up happy and surrounded by many family members. I never had a loss for friends. My cousins and extended family were my friends.
Because of life and choices that I have made (with no regrets, I may add) , I am estranged from my family. When I see a movie like Moonstruck it gives me that sense of gives me some warmth, it reminds me where I came from. Even though my family is far from me physically as well as mentally, I still feel a sense of gratitude. I would not be the strong person that I am, had I not come from good stock. I do not hate them, but rather, I honor them for creating in me a purpose, a strong will and a backbone.
I moved here to the Allentown/Bethlehem area about 8 years ago. I was full of tears, hate, anger, and so much negativity. In that 8 years time, I manifested my own family. My husband and I have a 'mom and dad' who are 85 years old and Jewish. We have brothers and sisters, Mary and Tony who are Irish, Monica and Adrian who are latino, Sean Hassett who is latino, Danniella from Hava Java who is international, Meg, who is Italian, so many others who are African, Dominican, Greek, Syrian, Egyptian and Lebanese. I can't even begin to name them all. And for the first time while I watched Moonstruck, I did not feel a sense of loss. I felt a sense of restoration. The people who raised me brought me to a point in my life, and then it was up to me and life to bring bring me to the next point. Every thing that happens and every person in your life helps to create you and to mold you into the being that you are.
At the end of Moonstruck the family makes a toast....'alla famiglia'...'to the family!' all my family here, I salute you, I applaude you, I thank you, and most of all..........I love you....
Te amo...
Rose Ellen Moore
I was born in Berwick PA. A very small town where 'out of the norm' is not accepted. Where being different means that you have a mental problem. When I grew up there about 85% of the whole place was Italian/Catholic. I grew up happy and surrounded by many family members. I never had a loss for friends. My cousins and extended family were my friends.
Because of life and choices that I have made (with no regrets, I may add) , I am estranged from my family. When I see a movie like Moonstruck it gives me that sense of gives me some warmth, it reminds me where I came from. Even though my family is far from me physically as well as mentally, I still feel a sense of gratitude. I would not be the strong person that I am, had I not come from good stock. I do not hate them, but rather, I honor them for creating in me a purpose, a strong will and a backbone.
I moved here to the Allentown/Bethlehem area about 8 years ago. I was full of tears, hate, anger, and so much negativity. In that 8 years time, I manifested my own family. My husband and I have a 'mom and dad' who are 85 years old and Jewish. We have brothers and sisters, Mary and Tony who are Irish, Monica and Adrian who are latino, Sean Hassett who is latino, Danniella from Hava Java who is international, Meg, who is Italian, so many others who are African, Dominican, Greek, Syrian, Egyptian and Lebanese. I can't even begin to name them all. And for the first time while I watched Moonstruck, I did not feel a sense of loss. I felt a sense of restoration. The people who raised me brought me to a point in my life, and then it was up to me and life to bring bring me to the next point. Every thing that happens and every person in your life helps to create you and to mold you into the being that you are.
At the end of Moonstruck the family makes a toast....'alla famiglia'...'to the family!' all my family here, I salute you, I applaude you, I thank you, and most of all..........I love you....
Te amo...
Rose Ellen Moore
Friday, June 13, 2014
what have you done lately?
Today I read an article on Ruby Dee. She met Tyler Perry when he opened his studios. Tyler wrote about meeting her, saying..."I wish young people knew the price that these people have paid for us".... He meant the older generation. They paved the way for so many things. For adversity...acceptance...human rights....they lifted us to live better and to evolve into the progressive race we are today. We owe an insurmountable debt to brave men and women who put themselves in harms way for equal rights, for humanity, for their culture or their gender. We can say that we remember soldiers on veterans day...or activists on Martin Luther King day...but what are we doing to follow in the footsteps of these people who have paved a very hard road?
What are you doing as a woman or a man to lift up your gender? Are you setting an example? Are you spending enough time with your male or female children to teach them about respect for themselves and others? Are u helping other people's' children when they have no one? How are you helping your culture of people? Have you supported your comrades when they needed it? And have you done so without putting down another culture of people? What have you as a woman done to help or support your sisters? We need to leave a legacy just like Ruby Dee...we need to leave a message to whoever is here long after we are gone. If we Don't ....then what have we truly lived for?
When someone dies we usually pray for them. We pray for their soul to rest and for them to live in a glorious afterlife. Some of us believe that people look down upon us forever. Well...would they be proud of how we have carried on? Instead of all the prayers...why don't we show them that the greatest tribute that we can pay to a person is to continue their greatest work? Let's take care of each other...let's help each other...let's pave the way for our children's children. If we don't. ..then what is our purpose....or the question would we even have one?
Rose Ellen Moore
What are you doing as a woman or a man to lift up your gender? Are you setting an example? Are you spending enough time with your male or female children to teach them about respect for themselves and others? Are u helping other people's' children when they have no one? How are you helping your culture of people? Have you supported your comrades when they needed it? And have you done so without putting down another culture of people? What have you as a woman done to help or support your sisters? We need to leave a legacy just like Ruby Dee...we need to leave a message to whoever is here long after we are gone. If we Don't ....then what have we truly lived for?
When someone dies we usually pray for them. We pray for their soul to rest and for them to live in a glorious afterlife. Some of us believe that people look down upon us forever. Well...would they be proud of how we have carried on? Instead of all the prayers...why don't we show them that the greatest tribute that we can pay to a person is to continue their greatest work? Let's take care of each other...let's help each other...let's pave the way for our children's children. If we don't. ..then what is our purpose....or the question would we even have one?
Rose Ellen Moore
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
One life...I'm gonna LIVE IT UP!
This is a sign that I saw on facebook this morning! And it's so true. Even for people who believe in reincarnation, or whatever your religious or spiritual belief is. I ask myself in the morning, if this was my last day, what would I say, would I do anything differently, how would people remember me? So, I was curious as to what famous people said for their last words.
Roger Ebert, famous movie critic wrote, "see you at the movies."...
Bob Hope's wife asked him where he wanted to be buried, and he responded, "surprise me."
Glenn Miller who was on a plane bound for Paris to entertain troops in WWII said, "Where the hell are the parachutes?"
Groucho Marx said, "put in my coffin, a deck of cards, a 7 iron and a pretty blonde"
John Wayne's wife asked if he knew who she was, and he said, "of course I know who you are, you're my girl, I love you."
So today I thought of my famous last words, I hope I say something funny, something people will remember, but I hope they remember that I really lived my life, in fun and laughter with alot of love. I hope you have the opportunity to do the same.
Rose Ellen Moore
Friday, May 30, 2014
I am ashamed of my people..................
Last night my husband was watching a sports channel with Bryant Gumbel who was discussing the world cup games in Brazil and also RACISM in Europe. I was so disheartened when I heard this discussion and I came to a realization that even in the year 2014 we have gotten NOWHERE and that all of the fighting for human rights and for equality is in vain. How do we fix stupid? How do we correct all of the fighting over the color of a person's skin? How do we evolve into a people that is above all of this petty bigotry? Will this ever go away?
I was appalled to read an article in The Daily Beast telling of Cecile Kyenge and her painful ordeal of trying to lead a country that is drowing in the past. This woman is educated, an opthamologist in Modena, Italy. She came from the Congo when she was 18 and adopted Italy as her country. Not only has she given back as serving the Italian people through medicine but now she wants to give back to the entire country by educating them about racism and immigration.
Europe as well as the United States must get their heads out of the.....................sand. (And maybe a piece of their anatomy as well) We must embrace every person who has something to contribute to the country and use it as advancement, rather than being imprisoned in ignnorance. I hope and pray that the Italian people overcome their stupidness and cowardice. Fear has these people stuck.
( please copy and paste that link in your browser)
Just last week, in my shop, a man came into my shop and said hello to me, and then turned to my husband and said..."Mabooga booga.... how do you say 'hello' in your native tongue." My husband turned to him and said in his beautiful Trinidadian accent..."hello".... Just his simple response, so calm and collected, made the man look like a fool.
I am ashamed of my people...Italian people? no....white people? I'm ashamed of this human race of people. I am ashamed that we have learned NOTHING...and I am angry. On this day...2 days after our beloved Maya Angelou passed, I MUST SPEAK OUT. I cannot go through my life like it does not matter. It matters..,.not only to ME but to US as a whole. A world divided will never be able to survive.
Rose Ellen Moore
I was appalled to read an article in The Daily Beast telling of Cecile Kyenge and her painful ordeal of trying to lead a country that is drowing in the past. This woman is educated, an opthamologist in Modena, Italy. She came from the Congo when she was 18 and adopted Italy as her country. Not only has she given back as serving the Italian people through medicine but now she wants to give back to the entire country by educating them about racism and immigration.
Europe as well as the United States must get their heads out of the.....................sand. (And maybe a piece of their anatomy as well) We must embrace every person who has something to contribute to the country and use it as advancement, rather than being imprisoned in ignnorance. I hope and pray that the Italian people overcome their stupidness and cowardice. Fear has these people stuck.
( please copy and paste that link in your browser)
Just last week, in my shop, a man came into my shop and said hello to me, and then turned to my husband and said..."Mabooga booga.... how do you say 'hello' in your native tongue." My husband turned to him and said in his beautiful Trinidadian accent..."hello".... Just his simple response, so calm and collected, made the man look like a fool.
I am ashamed of my people...Italian people? no....white people? I'm ashamed of this human race of people. I am ashamed that we have learned NOTHING...and I am angry. On this day...2 days after our beloved Maya Angelou passed, I MUST SPEAK OUT. I cannot go through my life like it does not matter. It matters..,.not only to ME but to US as a whole. A world divided will never be able to survive.
Rose Ellen Moore
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Our Beloved Maya.............
Today when I got out of bed, I immediately turned on the TV only to find that our beloved voice of human rights, our voice of reason and hope has gone from us.
Maya Angelou was 86 and lived a long and eventful life, but her stay here was too short as I'm sure many of you would agree with me. She was not only the voice of a civil rights leader, but she was the voice of reason. She made sense when many things in this world did not. I have her words on little note papers that surround my desk at my home and at work. ''People show you who they are the first time..." yes they do, Maya. That's my favorite one. "Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an opinion...."....I love that one.
This woman was my beacon of hope. She was born poor, in the rural South. She was raped at 7 or 8, at 17 she was unwed and pregnant and at 18 she became a madam of a whore house and prostituted herself to support her and her son. This is a woman that SURVIVED ....but more than that...she became educated, inspite of anyone holding her down. She spoke seven languages fluently...FLUENTLY! It's remarkable to me that a poor black child, broken and abused, grew up to receive 13 honorary degrees! Just by her life and her joy in living it, she gives me hope.
This blog is to thank Maya Angelou.... I am sure there will be many blogs about her today. But I don't write to win awards, or to stand out or be special. I write what is on my heart to cleanse my spirit and maybe help others. So thank you Maya Angelou, ..your words helped me to find my voice. Your books lifted my spirit...and your life gives me hope.....
with gratitude and love
Rose Ellen Moore
Maya Angelou was 86 and lived a long and eventful life, but her stay here was too short as I'm sure many of you would agree with me. She was not only the voice of a civil rights leader, but she was the voice of reason. She made sense when many things in this world did not. I have her words on little note papers that surround my desk at my home and at work. ''People show you who they are the first time..." yes they do, Maya. That's my favorite one. "Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an opinion...."....I love that one.
This woman was my beacon of hope. She was born poor, in the rural South. She was raped at 7 or 8, at 17 she was unwed and pregnant and at 18 she became a madam of a whore house and prostituted herself to support her and her son. This is a woman that SURVIVED ....but more than that...she became educated, inspite of anyone holding her down. She spoke seven languages fluently...FLUENTLY! It's remarkable to me that a poor black child, broken and abused, grew up to receive 13 honorary degrees! Just by her life and her joy in living it, she gives me hope.
This blog is to thank Maya Angelou.... I am sure there will be many blogs about her today. But I don't write to win awards, or to stand out or be special. I write what is on my heart to cleanse my spirit and maybe help others. So thank you Maya Angelou, ..your words helped me to find my voice. Your books lifted my spirit...and your life gives me hope.....
with gratitude and love
Rose Ellen Moore
Thursday, May 22, 2014
The body revolution!
Today when I came into work, I perused all the news articles out there. Of course there is war, new scientific studies on foods containing sugar, international news, and then I found this young girl. I was so thrilled and happy when I found this article. She made a large Titan of social media, Instagram, bow down with shame. Meghan Tonjes is pround of her body. She took a photo of herself in the same pose as she has seen celebraties and other 'thin' people take photos of themselves. But, HERS was removed by Instagram. Instagram sited their reasons as 'violating community guidelines'.....okkkkkkkkkkkk
Well, Meghan did NOT take a backseat. She took to another social media vein, Youtube, and shared with readers her personal journey through unhealthiness, health conscience food choices, parts of her body that she liked and parts of her body that she is not crazy about. But, for the most part, she loves herself. It's because of this Youtube video, that she has raised awareness of a 'body revolution'.
Now is the time for ALL women to embrace their bodies! Enough of this....'I have to lose 5 pounds'...really? Will 5 pounds make you acceptable? Acceptable to who? Other people or yourself? Listen...Love yourself NOW...don't wait. Years ago having extra weight was a sign of prosperity, it was attractive, it was healthy.Who said that skinny is the only way to go? Thin or fat, we are beautiful beings. Embrace this remarkable body that has carried you through the times of your life. It has healed when you were has carried your children, has danced at parties...has lugged in groceries, biked, hiked, walked, jogged, and made love. Your body is remarkable. Appreciate it, every bit of it. It doesn't matter if you are minus a breast, or you have a prosthetic of any kind. Love yourself and be proud of yourself. Meghan is my hero your own hero....with love.
Rose Ellen Moore (this is Meghan's youtube video ...copy and paste in your browser)
Well, Meghan did NOT take a backseat. She took to another social media vein, Youtube, and shared with readers her personal journey through unhealthiness, health conscience food choices, parts of her body that she liked and parts of her body that she is not crazy about. But, for the most part, she loves herself. It's because of this Youtube video, that she has raised awareness of a 'body revolution'.
Now is the time for ALL women to embrace their bodies! Enough of this....'I have to lose 5 pounds'...really? Will 5 pounds make you acceptable? Acceptable to who? Other people or yourself? Listen...Love yourself NOW...don't wait. Years ago having extra weight was a sign of prosperity, it was attractive, it was healthy.Who said that skinny is the only way to go? Thin or fat, we are beautiful beings. Embrace this remarkable body that has carried you through the times of your life. It has healed when you were has carried your children, has danced at parties...has lugged in groceries, biked, hiked, walked, jogged, and made love. Your body is remarkable. Appreciate it, every bit of it. It doesn't matter if you are minus a breast, or you have a prosthetic of any kind. Love yourself and be proud of yourself. Meghan is my hero your own hero....with love.
Rose Ellen Moore (this is Meghan's youtube video ...copy and paste in your browser)
Friday, May 16, 2014
May 21,2014 my birthday!
Good Friday morning everyone! It's a rainy day here in PA...I enjoy the rain as much as the sun. Why? Well..when it rains, I curl up on the chair in my shop and watch old movies and drink Chai tea. It's calming and safe and the way that I like to feel.
Today I am doing some reflecting on my life, since it will be my 52nd birthday on May 21st. I have learned many things, and since now I am old enough to give advice, if you need some, I'll tell you what I have learned.
#1 People show you who they are ONE TIME! when you see someone's true colors, don't make excuses, this is who they are and you either accept it, or move on.
#2. Family doesn't always love you. Loving you means accepting you. You can have a wonderful 'family' with people who are not blood related. Stop trying to 'fit in' with your so-called family when it is causing you pain and heartache.
#3 Having class and having respect for yourself is important. Hanging out all your parts does not get you a good partner in life. It will get you a fun night...or 2...or 10. People treat you the way you treat yourself!
#4. Wear what you want to wear. Enjoy your life. The day you get up in the morning is not going to be repeated. So live it with purpose and joy. (and be grateful for it!!)
#5 Don't waste time waiting for a special person, money, or things. Enjoy and be thankful for your life now. If you are not happy now, you never will be happy.
#6. Let your yes's mean YES and your no's mean NO! Don't be wishy washy. say what you need to say and mean it. Don't be afraid to stand up for what is not popular.
#7. Be tolerant of other people and their beliefs and their opinions. If you don't agree, or they are hatefully ridiculous, move away from them. A fight solves NOTHING and you can't fix stupid.
#8 Being spiritual doesn't mean carrying around a Bible, nor does it mean passing out literature, or preaching. Living your life in gratitude, serving others and loving is an example rather than a microphone.
#9 Don't wait for permission or authorization to live your life the way you want to. You will wait for the rest of your life...................
#10 Love and accept your wonderful self
Happy birthday to me....thank you for being my friend, for reading my blogs and for support of my business....most of all, thank you for being authentic beautiful beings that came into my life. I have enjoyed every minute of it and I hope to enjoy many more years!
Love, Rose Ellen
Rose Ellen Moore
Today I am doing some reflecting on my life, since it will be my 52nd birthday on May 21st. I have learned many things, and since now I am old enough to give advice, if you need some, I'll tell you what I have learned.
#1 People show you who they are ONE TIME! when you see someone's true colors, don't make excuses, this is who they are and you either accept it, or move on.
#2. Family doesn't always love you. Loving you means accepting you. You can have a wonderful 'family' with people who are not blood related. Stop trying to 'fit in' with your so-called family when it is causing you pain and heartache.
#3 Having class and having respect for yourself is important. Hanging out all your parts does not get you a good partner in life. It will get you a fun night...or 2...or 10. People treat you the way you treat yourself!
#4. Wear what you want to wear. Enjoy your life. The day you get up in the morning is not going to be repeated. So live it with purpose and joy. (and be grateful for it!!)
#5 Don't waste time waiting for a special person, money, or things. Enjoy and be thankful for your life now. If you are not happy now, you never will be happy.
#6. Let your yes's mean YES and your no's mean NO! Don't be wishy washy. say what you need to say and mean it. Don't be afraid to stand up for what is not popular.
#7. Be tolerant of other people and their beliefs and their opinions. If you don't agree, or they are hatefully ridiculous, move away from them. A fight solves NOTHING and you can't fix stupid.
#8 Being spiritual doesn't mean carrying around a Bible, nor does it mean passing out literature, or preaching. Living your life in gratitude, serving others and loving is an example rather than a microphone.
#9 Don't wait for permission or authorization to live your life the way you want to. You will wait for the rest of your life...................
#10 Love and accept your wonderful self
Happy birthday to me....thank you for being my friend, for reading my blogs and for support of my business....most of all, thank you for being authentic beautiful beings that came into my life. I have enjoyed every minute of it and I hope to enjoy many more years!
Love, Rose Ellen
Rose Ellen Moore
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Channel your INNER QUEEN~~~!!!!!
So......As you all know I have been having a problem with my blood sugar and my thyroid. Sometimes I feel really low. I don't fit in too many of my clothes any more and I am always tired. My joints ache and my hair is falling out. Until they get my medication straightened out, I have to persevere. My birthday is coming up in a week and I've never felt so old. I started down the depressing path of....'Oh, when I was young I had so much fun. Oh, I used to wear this and this and this. Oh, I wish I could do blah blah blah..." and the truth of it is, I'm not really that old. When we don't feel well physically we start to get depressed so....I've decided to channel my inner queen.
My name for the day is Queen Ferocia...I'm fearless...I'm a fighter. I look good...I'm the boss of my own life, I am the captain of my own ship. I do what I want when I want. I put on something red because it's a power color, I put on my red heels because they make me feel GREAT! The depression starts to fade. I decided to put on my BIG WIG today...the big curls in all it's glory...YES! I'm a STAR!!!! That's not enough! I need a flower! yes...a RED FLOWER! and don't forget my push up bra under my dress! The extra long false eye lashes! YES! I am truly Queen Ferocia...and as I was sitting in the car riding to work..I took out the brightest red lipstick I had and painted on my smile. Even though we don't feel like it....sometimes with a little coaxing, we can pull out that queen that was hiding for a minute. The person who is tired, beaten, and hurting...she can be transformed. Every day is a new day to start again. As long as the sun comes up in the morning there is more hope for me.
Ladies....for anyone out there that is feeling hopeless...tired, aching and abandoned....dig deep and find the strength to pull out your inner queen. Give her a name. Talk to her. It's ok to fake it till you make it. It's not about being a size 2 or being's about HOW we make our lives. Put on all the glitz you can and soon all that black cloud will melt away. And don't worry what anyone else says...let them stay in their black cloud....
Now get out there and make it a great day...You will not live May 14.2014 ever don't waste it!
from your friend,
Queen Ferocia
Rose Ellen Moore
My name for the day is Queen Ferocia...I'm fearless...I'm a fighter. I look good...I'm the boss of my own life, I am the captain of my own ship. I do what I want when I want. I put on something red because it's a power color, I put on my red heels because they make me feel GREAT! The depression starts to fade. I decided to put on my BIG WIG today...the big curls in all it's glory...YES! I'm a STAR!!!! That's not enough! I need a flower! yes...a RED FLOWER! and don't forget my push up bra under my dress! The extra long false eye lashes! YES! I am truly Queen Ferocia...and as I was sitting in the car riding to work..I took out the brightest red lipstick I had and painted on my smile. Even though we don't feel like it....sometimes with a little coaxing, we can pull out that queen that was hiding for a minute. The person who is tired, beaten, and hurting...she can be transformed. Every day is a new day to start again. As long as the sun comes up in the morning there is more hope for me.
Ladies....for anyone out there that is feeling hopeless...tired, aching and abandoned....dig deep and find the strength to pull out your inner queen. Give her a name. Talk to her. It's ok to fake it till you make it. It's not about being a size 2 or being's about HOW we make our lives. Put on all the glitz you can and soon all that black cloud will melt away. And don't worry what anyone else says...let them stay in their black cloud....
Now get out there and make it a great day...You will not live May 14.2014 ever don't waste it!
from your friend,
Queen Ferocia
Rose Ellen Moore
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