So...... in the news this morning....among many other sad things, like, a hate crime shooting in NC. That is so upsetting to me. Again, Rachel Dolezal, and what race she identifies with...I really don't care, Donald Trump.....(I have no words....) flesh eating bacteria found in our waters, I mean...our world if full of hate, and it's really sad. I always look to the articles about art, fashion, fun or entertainment to relieve myself of the negativity....and here police...............ugh!
Melissa Rivers is now going to be the host of Fashion Police. I hope that maybe it is not as cut throat as it was in the past. As you know...I am not tolerant of body shaming, making fun of peoples' short comings, or trying to fit people in a MOLD. The whole purpose of fashion is to have fun with it...sometimes the fun works, and sometimes it really does NOT....but get a sense of humor and laugh. Color is fun, and wearing sparkles, fringe and beads is fun, and making an effort to take care of yourself is commendable.
Kathy Griffin (who I love) left the show...and cited this reason:
“When I chose to step into the shoes of my beloved friend Joan Rivers at ‘Fashion Police,’ I was thrilled to continue her legacy as a woman being brash and eccentric on television,” Griffin tweeted in March. “I thought I could bring my brand of humor to ‘Fashion Police’ so that beautiful people in beautiful dresses could be teased when appropriate. My brand of humor, while unrepentant and unafraid, is all about context. There is plenty to make fun of in pop culture without bringing people’s bodies into it…I do not want to use my comedy to contribute to a culture of unattainable perfectionism and intolerance towards difference. I want to help women, gay kids, people of color and anyone who feels underrepresented to have a voice and a laugh.”
Melissa Rivers is now going to be the host of Fashion Police. I hope that maybe it is not as cut throat as it was in the past. As you know...I am not tolerant of body shaming, making fun of peoples' short comings, or trying to fit people in a MOLD. The whole purpose of fashion is to have fun with it...sometimes the fun works, and sometimes it really does NOT....but get a sense of humor and laugh. Color is fun, and wearing sparkles, fringe and beads is fun, and making an effort to take care of yourself is commendable.
Kathy Griffin (who I love) left the show...and cited this reason:
“When I chose to step into the shoes of my beloved friend Joan Rivers at ‘Fashion Police,’ I was thrilled to continue her legacy as a woman being brash and eccentric on television,” Griffin tweeted in March. “I thought I could bring my brand of humor to ‘Fashion Police’ so that beautiful people in beautiful dresses could be teased when appropriate. My brand of humor, while unrepentant and unafraid, is all about context. There is plenty to make fun of in pop culture without bringing people’s bodies into it…I do not want to use my comedy to contribute to a culture of unattainable perfectionism and intolerance towards difference. I want to help women, gay kids, people of color and anyone who feels underrepresented to have a voice and a laugh.”
this article was taken from MSN today and below is the link:
Apparently Kathy felt like I did. I loved Joan Rivers...I thought she was a woman that was a dynamo...that's why I felt so badly when the fashion police started to bully big women, gay people, eclectic people.... why Joan? So I stopped watching.....
When you are don't need to trash people.
Today there was an article on Zoe is this young girl, with her own sense of style and young and beautiful. She is funky and fun....artsy and wonderful...yet the people on wonderwall on MSN decided that they should make an entire article about Zoe Kravitz: 15 Looks We Don't Understand. Well...maybe you're not meant to "understand' her looks...maybe you just have to appreciate them for what they are. (Link below)
Sad that everyone has to be a 'judge and jury about fashion' these days. One of the things I DO support is Huffington Posts "Best Celeb Beauty Looks of the Week' they don't trash people...they just choose who they think is the best........ no negative vibes here...
I am appealing to people....please......we have enough hate, negativity, intolerance and injustice in this world. Let the fashion world be a place of fun..........................
My fashion tip #1: " Wear things that make you smile..................."
The End.
Rose Ellen Moore
1729 W Tilghman Street
Allentown PA 18018