I know there will be many many views on this subject. I probably will raise alot of haters out there, but the truth of the matter is this.
We have all been in relationships where it gets to the point where you want to pound the hell out of your mate. But we don't. Why? Because it's not right. Why let it get to that point? When you argue..the best thing to do is NOTHING! don't yell anymore. Make your point later. Don't hit, scream, call names...because nothing will resolve when you are that mad. And nothing can be taken back once it comes out.
I work with my husband every day. I go home with him every night. Are there times we argue? HELL YES! are there times I want to punch him? HELL YES! are there times he wants to punch me? HELL YES YES YES!!!!! But we don't go there. It cannot be taken back. When we disagree....and we start to argue, we go in our corners. We get away from each other. We take a break. Lets think..lets cool down...lets regroup. Nothing gets resolved with hitting and name calling. And more than anything we realize in a bit, that this is the person who always has my back. I have his and he has mine. I love him and he loves me. After awhile the anger subsides, and we can calmy discuss the issue at hand. That's what grown mature people do.
Now this man is booted from his job. Good. I am glad that the NFL made a stand. This behavior is not acceptable. Now Janay is defending him. This is a giant step back for every woman who has endured domestic violence. What's the matter Janay? Is your lifestyle now gone? Was it more important than your life and your well-being? What if your child witnessed that horrific behavior? It would have taught a young girl child that 'it's ok to be hit by your husband' and if it were a boy child 'it would be ok to hit your wife'. WRONG!
I hope that both of these people get counseling. I hope Janay especially gets counseling...because I would like this woman to know something. Hitting and being hit , name calling and abuse, is NOT OK AT ALL AT ALL AT ALL!!!!! No matter man should be dragging the woman he loves out of an elevator on her face! Is this marriage irrepairable? No....not if both of them get serious counseling...but they have to be serious and they MUST adhere to boundaries. God Bless them both....they need it.
Rose Ellen Moore
1729 W Tilghman Street'
Allentown, PA 18104