How did Valentine's day start? Well, there are many stories shrouded in mystery. The Catholic Church used to recognize valentine's day in honor of Valentinus who married couples against what the government said. Now the church does not recognize it. It used to be associated with a roman feast of lupercalia...where boys and girls names were drawn from a lottery and then became 'partners' for a year. For whatever the reason, we now have society yet again telling me how to live my life. I MUST buy a Valentine for my husband, I MUST get something from my husband....or what? he doesn't love me? Listen, I am a non comformist. I don't listen to society telling me I must be a size 2, I must wear my hair a certain way or be a certain thing. What I do is between me and my creator. So, as far as Valentine's Day, I say this. Women, if you are not with someone, so what? If you feel that you must celebrate Valentine's Day because society tells you to, then go buy yourself a kicky pair of shoes...go treat yourself to some nice clothes. Don't worry that no one loves you...people do. Most of all, you have to love YOURSELF! If your husband or significant other is working hard for you every day, says he loves you, washes dishes occasionally or helps with the housework, then why do you need a valentine? THERE is your valentine. A Valentine to me is PROOF...what other proof do you need when he is doing things for you?
If a Valentine is a representation of love, then love yourself most of all! Love all the things about you that make you YOU! That gap between your teeth, your wide hips, your eyes, your hair, your tattoos, your piercings, your small boobs, your big boobs, your feet...whatever! There is NO ONE like you in the whole world! aren't you lucky to be so unique and beautiful? Celebrate yourself on Valentine's day without feeling badly that you do not have a partner. Celebrate that your mother gave birth to you, loved you and raised you and now you are a beautiful woman that deserves the best. So don't settle! If you want a bright red shiny new automobile, would you settle for a $300 no paint rust bucket? NO! Patiently wait for the right deal to come along. Until then, love love love YOURSELF! Shower love upon others, your friends, your family, your children. If your heart is broken for whatever reason this Valentine's day....don't worry. A broken heart is an open heart. More love will come in. Be patient and love yourself......................
Happy Valentine's Day from RCMoore for the Unique Individual...because NO ONE is quite like YOU!
May I ask Rose, what do you do? Do you intend to go in motivational speaking.
ReplyDeleteYou truly touch me
Hi Mejeanne! I am so sorry that I did not see this comment! I would have certainly written back to you. You can always reach me at my email as I do motivational speaking when requested simply because I have had so many experiences bad and good in my life that I feel I can help other women. My business is not only to make women look good, but to feel good on the inside, which is one thing that is sorely lacking in our society these days. Thank you for your kind words. I hope we can stay in touch!
ReplyDeleteLove to you
Rose Ellen Moore