The important thing is that we should be happy with who we are, what we are, before we do anything else. We should work on enhancing our beauty instead of declaring ourselves 'not good enough'. I get up every morning and ask myself what I am going to wear. Because my legs are thick I can't just put on any old thing. I have to camoflage, I have to create illusion. But that's the fun! I have a 36 inch bust, a 26 inch waist and a 41 inch hip measurement!!!! HOLY DISPROPORTIONS BATMAN! I don't know exactly how everything sunk, but I'm going to embrace it. This is me! I love me!
I recite this poem to myself every day...thanks, Maya Angelou!
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
Many people think that I have some secret that I carry. Why are you so happy? Why are you so confident? well, believe me, this did not happen overnight. But in time I have put all of my priorities in order. I have realized a few things and lived through some very horrendous things. My life is far from perfect. But it's the appreciation of what I do have that puts everything in order.
Maintaining positivity is the number one key ingrediant to be happy.Optimism is a choice every day. The second thing to being happy is...treat your body well. Number compassionate. Number four, smile often! number five....forgive wrongdoings of yourself and others. Number six...Love at every opportunity.
And so, with that being said...on this 7th day of January 2014...let your resolution be simple. Even if you are 250 pounds or more, even if you have some health issues, even if your car didn't start this cold morning and your children are giving you issues. Try to maintain the positive within yourself and try...please try BE HAPPY!
Rose Ellen A. Moore
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