I'm writing this blog for people out there that do not know what it is like for me to have people in my shop that do not respect my vintage items and love them like I do.
As most of you know, my vintage shop is small and cramped. We moved here under duress because our other shop which was equally as small, FLOODED! We had about 2 weeks to find a place and this space was the only space available to move in immediately.
We are not at all happy that our space is small, but we do the best we can with it. We occupy every nook and cranny. We are also hands on! We will help you find whatever you need! We love when people come in and enjoy our shop...laugh....take photos and find some happy peace of mind. However, we do have rules that should be respected....
1. no food or drink - all foods should be left at the front desk for you to pick up on your way out.
2. All try on's are ASSISTED! that means, you cannot go into the dressing room with a vintage 1950's tulle dress which is worth a few hundred dollars and try it on yourself.
3. My hats are delicate. The Vintage hats and also the ones that are handmade by myself. They are not to be thrown.....(yes, a lady came in and did that) So for that reason, our hat room can be entered when I can accompany you. I want you to know that you are NOT bothering me when I assist you. I love it, I love when you are interested in something and I am only too happy to have fun with you.
Please understand that we clean all of our garments, and sometimes the cleaning process is arduous. We go to several different companies to get the results that we need. Sometimes we up-cycle which means, we make the garment into something else, either with fabric, or painting, or beads. Please do not come in and expect to get a handmade garment or hat for $5.00. We put too much time and effort into it. We are not a thrift store, we are a specialty shop. For the people who like to be outstanding and unique.
We are currently looking for a larger building, much larger. Where we can create, live and work in one space. We are also targeting 2017 for the opening of our second store in NYC. Many good things are happening for us. We appreciate the love and support of our customers and friends. Owning a small business is very difficult. We rely on the love and respect of our customers and friends to keep our business alive. From the bottom of our hearts.....we thank you!
As most of you know, my vintage shop is small and cramped. We moved here under duress because our other shop which was equally as small, FLOODED! We had about 2 weeks to find a place and this space was the only space available to move in immediately.
We are not at all happy that our space is small, but we do the best we can with it. We occupy every nook and cranny. We are also hands on! We will help you find whatever you need! We love when people come in and enjoy our shop...laugh....take photos and find some happy peace of mind. However, we do have rules that should be respected....
1. no food or drink - all foods should be left at the front desk for you to pick up on your way out.
2. All try on's are ASSISTED! that means, you cannot go into the dressing room with a vintage 1950's tulle dress which is worth a few hundred dollars and try it on yourself.
3. My hats are delicate. The Vintage hats and also the ones that are handmade by myself. They are not to be thrown.....(yes, a lady came in and did that) So for that reason, our hat room can be entered when I can accompany you. I want you to know that you are NOT bothering me when I assist you. I love it, I love when you are interested in something and I am only too happy to have fun with you.
Please understand that we clean all of our garments, and sometimes the cleaning process is arduous. We go to several different companies to get the results that we need. Sometimes we up-cycle which means, we make the garment into something else, either with fabric, or painting, or beads. Please do not come in and expect to get a handmade garment or hat for $5.00. We put too much time and effort into it. We are not a thrift store, we are a specialty shop. For the people who like to be outstanding and unique.
We are currently looking for a larger building, much larger. Where we can create, live and work in one space. We are also targeting 2017 for the opening of our second store in NYC. Many good things are happening for us. We appreciate the love and support of our customers and friends. Owning a small business is very difficult. We rely on the love and respect of our customers and friends to keep our business alive. From the bottom of our hearts.....we thank you!
RCMoore for the Unique Millinery and Vintage Shop
Rose Ellen Moore
1729 W Tilghman Street
Allentown PA 18104