
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

If I could change the world................

Yesterday I had a conversation with our daughter Claysha. I asked her what she wanted to do in life. She stated that she wanted to change the world.  She said, "I know that sounds corny, but I really want that."'s not's wonderful. If only more people thought that way.  So, I sent her this link, and I hope that all of you copy and paste it in your browser.

Young people think that 'changing the world' means going to college to be a social worker. Being a nurse or doctor, a scientist, or something that would absolutely serve humanity. What young people do not realize, is that we can change the world just by doing a simple thing. A small pebble thrown into the water can make a difference for a very long time.

I am a hat maker, a lover of vintage clothing. But sometimes my job entails listening to a woman cry about her child, spouse or parent. Understanding when the world is not understanding them. Giving encouragement when they are overweight, underweight, or in poor health.  I throw my pebble in the water every day. I may not see what comes from it. I hope something does. But we can only try.........

If everyone does something kind for one person every day, ....wouldn't that be alot of ripples in the water?

our daughter Claysha Moore

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Iron out your wrinkles with a smile!~

Don't worry about aging,'s not that bad. I find it liberating.

When I was about 17 years old, and my mother and I were alone in the house (my father was dead, my sister was married and gone)....her and I would put on our make up and do our hair in the big bathroom mirror together. I loved those times. I looked at her and, she looks really beautiful. I never ever thought of her as 'getting old'...she was just an older version of myself.

Now that I'm 52, I look at the photos of me as a younger person and think the same thing, 'I'm just an older version of what I looked like before.' And so with that being sad, I decided to celebrate my age, my woman hood, my life by dressing in things that make me happy and make me smile. What a gift to give yourself every day.

Please enjoy this article by Second Hand Rose. Ramblings of a Girl Born in the Wrong Era.  One of the wonderful things about blogging is that you find others out there that have such wonderful ideas about life and love.  Today, Second Hand Rose inspired me to be the best ME I can possibly be. I love me. We (Me and Myself) have been through a lot together. Laughter and tears, joys and many sorrows, and we are still here to talk about it.

Copy and paste this link below if you would like to be inspired, and make sure that you leave Second Hand Rose a comment. I'm sure she would love it.

Thank you for reading.....and if you are sad about your wrinkles, just smile....then you have a good excuse!

Rose Ellen Moore

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

being ME

For those of you who do not know, I own a 'vintage-millinery' shop on Tilghman street in Allentown PA.  I'm a transplant. I grew up in Berwick PA and I hated being from a small town. I never fit there. I always read Vogue, and Harpers Bazaar and my mother, being a wonderful seamstress, made all the latest styles. My sister and I wore them with great pride, only to be teased by the local-yocals who were jealous and didn't understand personal style.

I lived all over the world. I have been to several different countries, and several states and cities in the US. I adore being me and being different. Wearing what you want to wear and discovering your own sense of self and style are truly a part of life. We all travel different roads at different times, and style changes as we mature and change. The true beauty of it is in embracing who you are. The colors you like, the patterns that make you smile. It makes you walk differently, believe in yourself and enjoy your life. And in doing that, you bring joy to others.

I salute people who love fashion, vintage or not. I have one fashion rule, 'wear what you want to wear and what makes you happy'....
If you choose to wear black all day every day, that's your choice. I intend to dress like POW up until I'm old and grey. I put an url on the end of this blog. Look at these fashion savvy women in NYC. Mature and beautiful. So, enjoy dressing up as you, dear readers.  But however you it with confidence and class!


Today I am missing someone that was in my life for my entire life except for the last 3 or 4 years.  My cousin S was a very important person in my life. She was there for me when I was small. She was older than me and I considered her my second mother. Her mother and father were my 'great' aunt and uncle. She was beautiful, smart and funny. She traveled the world and I loved her because of all the things that she had been through in her life. She had one child who was the same age as my oldest child. They lived in NYC. They vacationed at my home in PA to get a taste of country life. I enjoyed being with her. I enjoyed our lively conversations and I loved her point of view. I couldn't get enough of being around her. 

Cousin S was with me when my father died. And also through my great divorce of 1996. She was also with me through my great divorce of 1998. She helped me raise my children. She was my sounding board.  I felt we could tell each other anything. She yelled at me, cried with me, we shared life and I enjoyed every bit of it. 

I moved 1 hour away from NYC to be near her. I wanted to be near her so I could see her more rather than talk on the phone. I also thought, well, she is now in her late 60's, so I should be near her in case she needed me. Unfortunately she did not feel the same. It became quite clear after my move to the Lehigh Valley, that I invaded her space. She did not want me to come visit her, she didn't enjoy talking to me and our time on the phone became less and less. She had her circle of friends, her job and her pets. She had a routine and I was ruining it. 

Some of us have that very rare privilege to be friends with someone for a long time. I have had friends and acquaintances that I have had in my life since I was 3 years old.  It's so nice to talk to someone and say, "hey, remember when...blah blah blah..."  and then laugh like crazy. Then there are the people, who, for whatever reason, just don't want you there anymore. Their space and time is limited and they choose to fill your spot with someone or something else. And you are left with this feeling of, "WHAT? WHY? Did I not mean that much to you?' The truth is, sometimes there is no reason or cause, sometimes it's just a 'what's so'.....  Maybe you have outgrown this person, or they, you..   maybe things that were once funny are not so funny anymore, and views have changed. The best thing we can do for ourselves is LET GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!   It's one is going to die. My cousin S and I are both fine. We are fine in our individual places....not in each other's life. So, today, although I am missing her, I wish her well....I wish her happiness, and I remember many fun times. Acceptance is the key to life. I don't remember who said that, but they are right. I am letting her go...maybe she will be like a butterfly and return, then again, maybe she will be a balloon and be gone forever. Whatever it is, I will be fine. 
Rose Ellen Moore

Friday, January 16, 2015


If you didn't copy and paste that url in your browser, it's a funny  part of "the Princess Bride" when the priest talks of Marriage, or as he says, Mowage!

I know there are many women out there that want the story book marriage. I wanted it too. We all grow up with the same fairy tales of women being kissed and saved by the handsome prince. We are led to believe that 'we will live happily ever after'....but the truth is, Life itself is hard and sometimes not very happy.

I was married 3 times. Does that make me a bad person? No...that makes me a woman that made some choices that maybe weren't so smart.  My first husband was abusive and was in love with Jim Beam more than me.  I tried and tried, stayed in it for 15 years and became extremely depressed. I finally gave up on my dream....and moved on. I had 3 children with him.  Being a single parent sucked. I was also working ( and making good money) but I was exhausted all the time and it was tough to shoulder all the responsibilities of a big house. So out of desperation, (which you should NEVER base a decision on) I married my second husband.  he was in love with his mother more than me.  And out of respect for the child we had together, I will say no more.  Our marriage was short and not sweet at all.    Now, I have been married to Clayton for 11 years. We have been together longer. Our life is good and through the good and bad times we stick together. It's like being in an elite club. There are secrets that we alone know. There are things we do not discuss with other people and there is an allegiance that goes beyond everything.

Marriage vows are really quite sad when you think about it. You are promising to love a person when they are sick, poor, and stupid, until death. And believe me, ALL OF THOSE THINGS will happen. The trick is, to see if your partner keeps trying. Does your partner do the same dumb things over and over, or does he graduate to a higher level of thinking? Boundaries need to be set and not crossed.

I really don't think there is a perfect recipe for marriage. I think there needs to be basic things.....
Compassion, respect, understanding, and the most important is better to be KIND than be RIGHT.     And all those things together is what makes up this wonderful thing called LOVE......

so when women come into my shop and say that their marriage has failed....that does not mean that they themselves are a failure. It just means that something didn't click. Someone didn't stick to the plan or someone gave up. But none of those things makes either one  a horrible person. My ex es are not bad people. They didn't click with me. They were not right for me. We did not bring out the good in each other. So ladies, don't get down about 'finding the right one'.....just let life flow. Open your hearts...but at the same time, open your eyes too....  

Rose Ellen Moore

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I tend to talk.....................ALOT

Life should be a celebration.  Every day and every experience should be used to your advantage. There is great meaning to the phrase, 'when life gives you lemons, make lemonade'....    I don't mean to sound like Pollyanna, but it's true.   Every single thing that happens to you in your life, is to bring you to where you are supposed to be.

I was married the first time for 15 years. Out of respect for my children, I will not expand as to why it did not work out, except to say that we were in an abusive relationship.   I married a second time, only to start the marriage with 3 people instead of 2 (me, him and his mother) and so that one did not work out as well.  But both relationships brought me to where I am today, with the most extraordinary man I have ever met, leading the most loving, adventurous, challenging and fun life I could ever imagine~!    The amount of gratitude I have for the opportunities that I have been given is overwhelming at times. We have a vintage-millinery boutique that has done much more than give women and men their own unique fashion. We have given a forum to many people who just need to be heard and validated.

I get so passionate about so many things that I forget that I am talking the legs off a table at some point in the conversation.  More than once, Clayton and I have been in the company of people and ended up monopolizing the conversation.  I talk more than Clayton (is that possible?) yes it is. I am predisposed to this ailment, because I am Italian, so not only does a verbal volcano errupt at any given moment, but my hands and arms flail about like I have muscle spasms. My laugh is a cross between Phyllis Diller and Lucille Ball.  It is loud, powerful and EVERYBODY will know that I am having a good time.

This morning I started out my day, happy that the sun was shining and although it was cold and windy, I was grateful as I am everyday, that I have the opportunity to ride along in the car, with the man I love, drinking my chai tea, and talking (yes, we talk each other's ears off too!) about current events. My mother calls.....and I started telling her about everything that was happening in the shop.
"Ma, I made a coat, and a matching dress, and I made this cool hat, and I did this and that......." and she interrupted me to say, "Rose Ellen, you are going on and on....did you take a pill or something?"
My balloon was completely deflated.  I must sound like a lunatic.

So, to my friends, I would like to say, thank you for tolerating my blabbering. Please understand that I am HAPPY and that is why I talk alot.  I am passionate and I have alot going on , ALL THE TIME!  And I apologize to the people who's ears have fallen off because of me.   But if you stop by the shop, I will glue them back on for you!

Monday, December 29, 2014

for the new year

Today, as other days, I took to facebook to promote my business. I honestly would not participate in facebook if I did not own a business.  In this moment in time, if you have a business you must be on every social media outlet that you can be on. I am on google+, tumblr, flicker, facebook, instagram, linkd in, twitter, and probably others that I don't know about. is a bane and a curse. A bane because it is such a great annoyance to me when my phone buzzes every 2 minutes about playing a game or another advertisement. A curse because it's a double edged sword.  We need to have it to keep in touch with our relatives, to keep in touch with friends, to promote our businesses, but we also have to listen to rants, raves, and hate mongering. 

As a wife of an African man and mother of 6 of a blended family, I have to withstand taunts, ridicules, and outrage about black males. For every ONE positive post about the GOOD, there are 10 negative posts about people that do not even deserve to be spoken about. 

A year ago, my husband, my friend and I celebrated her birthday in NYC. Clayton stayed in the city to take his mother somewhere, and my friend and I were to continue traveling to Long Island. We got on the wrong train and ended up in Camden NJ. It was 3AM.  The conductor said, 'you need to get off here, and take the other train to Long Island.' my friend said to me, 'we cannot get off here, there is a sea of black men out there.'  I looked at her and said, ' I AM MARRIED TO A BLACK MAN! does this mean that every black male is a thug, murderer, rapist, etc?'  We ended up getting off in Camden NJ, took the proper train, but ultimately that person took the 'train' right out of my life. I have not spoken to her since.

For the new year, my wish is that we evolve our thinking and learn to practice tolerance, acceptance and compassion. Every day I vow to fight against the negativity and the hate. If I throw one pebble into the water the level of the water will rise, and even if it's just a small tiny fraction, it's still a step in the right direction. And maybe, the ripples will be felt for a long time. If we all vow to be kinder to each other, to be understanding to each other, maybe the world can be alittle better. We all make a new years resolution to lose weight, to quit smoking, to make our bodies why not make the world we live in healthier too?

So for my new years resolutions, 1- I would LOVE to be healthier, to get in more exercise so I can live longer.  2- I would like to keep in touch MORE with ALL of our children. (including our 3 grandaughters) and 3- I will fight until my last breath against racism, hatred, bullying, and abuse.

best wishes for the new year..................

Sunday, December 21, 2014

My Christmas Gift for all women.............

Today as I was driving to my shop, I saw a woman in pajama pants pushing a stroller, holding on to her bag of groceries, trying to pull a toddler along.....and I thought, I was there.....  

I was there, pushing one kid in a stroller and dragging another one. No make up on, depressed and wondering when my life was going to get better. I was there,  trying to work and raise a family.  I forgot my child's snack day one day, so I purchased 28 snack bags of carmel popcorn. My clothes were always purchased at the salvation army, or my rich aunt would have pity on the poor relation and give them to me. I worked 3 jobs. I was always burning the candle at both ends. I had an abusive husband that called me a fat, greasy wop or dago on a regular basis. I was so depressed. I felt like I wasn't worth anything.

Now, I'm 52 and my children are grown. I have grandchildren now. I have a wonderful, exceptional human being for a husband.  I wonder how I did it back then. How did I get through that time of my life? It was so horrible.

So,  when women come into my shop, I want them to feel like a queen. Because we are.  We are the ones that bear the burden, the ones who try the hardest.The ones that cry the tears and take the pain.

 So ladies, when you come to my shop to see me, you get the BEST treatment. You will have a glass of wine, and someone to dress you. You need help with make up? I'll help you. You need a shoulder to cry on? I got one. Not just for Christmas day, but for all days. Why? Because I was you....................I was there.

My wish for this Christmas and for all year through is that women help each other. Because we need to. We need to be strong women for not only our children, but for other women who cannot be strong. We need each other..............

Merry Christmas, Joyous Kwaanza, Happy Hannuka, Happy Holidays,


Rose Ellen Moore

Friday, November 21, 2014

the Fall of Bill Cosby

This week in the social media was the controversy between about 15 women who have said they have been raped and Bill Cosby is the accused rapist. This whole situation is disturbing on so many levels.

First , Bill Cosby broke into acting and stand up comedy at the time when it was very rare for a black person to be recognized as a viable actor or actress. Bill Cosby had a spy series on television. He had a a cartoon, he was on commercials, he had several comedy albums, not to mention guest appearances on the Tonight Show. He portrayed a positive perception of African Americans. He loved children and showed his good rapport with them on jello commercials. He had his own series which was a joy to watch for everyone. It disturbed me greatly when all of these women came from everywhere to  call this man a rapist.   When a seed is planted, there is nothing anyone can do. The seed just continues to grow and boom ! the man that has built his reputation, his brand, his now reduced to nothing. He is a leper, a creep, the devil incarnate. The power of social media has made this man tried and judged without a courtroom venue.  The statues of limitations is long gone. There is nothing these women can do now. They can ruin his life, though. They can take hush money. Is that what they wanted and he didn't offer it? Would this man have risked e everything that he fought  so hard for as As a black American only to throw it away for some 'jelly'?

Whether Bill Cosby is guilty or not we will never  know. There is a he said she said issue and now with womens rights being at the forefront, there Are more people sympathizing with these  women. But there is no proof, no witnesses, nothing but an allegation. These women have now put current rape victims under the microscope more. These women do not realize how they have made rape situations difficult for other unfortunate rape victims .

Sadly, even though this allegation cannot be proven....Bill Cosby is now ruined.  His reputation as a family man, an educated man, a brilliant entertainer is now gone. And let's not forget the woman who is suffering the most.....his wife Camille.  Now Camille has stuck by this man because of all people, maybe she knows him more than we do.  Do I think Bill Cosby has had indiscretions  in the past? Yes.and he has admitted that t his wife. Was the woman drugged? No. So why did he have to drug these particular  women? And, by the way...this ex mistress is in jail for extortion.

My point of all this is: anyone at anytime can be in the shadows waiting for your success and at that time decide to ruin you. And when the seed is planted, there is little else you can do. Whether they want extortion money, or they just want to see you fail, the social media helps to balloon an accusation to a degree of enormous magnitude. And we as the pawns are willing to lap it up and believe it. We as a public purchase the rag papers and watch the entertainment news. So who is more guilty...Bill Cosby. ... or us?